Chapter 4

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Singto couldn't sleep. He saw Krist today after so many years.  The first guy he had loved. Ya. He had loved him but he was too egoistic to accept it in front of everyone. His friends thought that he was just playing around and that he wasn't serious. At first he wasnt but when he broke his heart and left that time it became clear to him that he had fallen for Krist. All these years he secretly watched over Krist. Even this contract with Godt was because of Krist. He wanted an excuse to meet him often. He knew that Godt and Krist were lover's and that they stayed together but still he wanted Krist. "He is mine. He can't love anyone else but me." Singto whispered at Krist's pictures which he had taken secretly.

"I had let you go before but now you can't run away from me. You are mine. You belong to me." Singto said.

The next day Singto called Wad to his cabin.

"Wad, what do you know about Krist? Is he seeing someone?" Singto asked. He wanted to know what Wad knew.

Wad was silent. He didn't know what Singto was planning now. He thought of telling the truth because he knew that Singto hated liars.

"Not much. I met recently with Prem and then at the company. Apart from this I don't know anything. Why are you asking?" Wad asked.

"Just asking. I wanted to meet him again. You know like get to him like before." Singto said.

Wad was shocked. "But you were never interested in him. Even in college you had said that you were just playing with him. So why are you going after him again?" Wad asked angrily.

Singto was surprised to see Wad angry. "Why are you getting so worked up? Do you like him?"

"Shut up Singto. You know I love Prem. But why are you interested in Krist? Haven't you hurt him enough?" Wad shouted at him.

"I am interested or not it's my desicion. Will you help me or not?"Singto asked.

Wad glared at him and said,"No never. I won't let you hurt him again. He is happy in his life. Let him be."

Singto smirked. "You can go."

Wad glared at him and left. He went to his cabin and sat on the chair. He was worried for Krist. He knew Singto's behaviour. If he set's his mind to do something then he won't stop till he gets it. But why now? Why has he become obsessed now? Does Singto know about Krist and Godt? Is the new contract a trap? Wad was terrified now. He was worried not only for Krist but also for Godt. He called Prem right away.

"Hello Prem. Can we meet now?" Wad asked.

"Is everything ok? Yes we can meet. Tell me where.." Prem said.

"Please bring Knot also with you na. I want to talk to him too." Wad said and cut the call.

Prem was tensed. He called Knot and told him to meet. He didn't say anything about Wad.

They met an hour later in a cafe. Knot brought Tew with him. He was surprised to see Wad.

Wad smiled at Tew and went to hug him but Tew ignored him. Wad smiled at him and came back. Knot looked at Wad and smiled. Prem hugged Knot and then they sat down.

Knot asked,"Why did you call ne here?"

Prem looked at Wad and said,"Actually Wad wanted to talk to us about something so I called you."

Wad looked at Prem and then at Knot. He didn't know what or how they will react. He recalled that when Krist was hurt during tge break up Knot and Prem were about to kill Singto but he and New had saved him at that time. Knot looked at Wad and asked,"What did you want to talk about?"

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