Chapter 39

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2 years later

"Are you ready?" Kate asked.

Krist took a deep breath and nodded. He was ready. He had waited for this moment since a long time. In the past 2 years so many things had happened.

Mr. Park was sentenced to death for Godt's death. Mr. Kongthanin had taken over Mr. Park's business but he didn't merge it. He sold the company and gave half money to charity and half to Mrs. Park so that she can recover soon. The only reason they wanted her to recover was so that she could also get punished for killing Simon but Krist thought that she was punished daily.

Forth and Bas are married. They had a lavish wedding. Forth stayed in the same office but worked as CEO for his own company.

Bright and Gun are still dating. Bright had proposed again but Gun said he is not ready yet.

David retired from his company and spent time with Susan and Krist's parent's. Krist still consulted him in office matters but he gave Krist full control of his company.

Krist looked at his reflection amd smiled. Knot came beside him and smiled at him. He wore his coat and Knot straightened his tie. He looked at him and hugged him. He went to his parent's and hugged them too.

"I am so happy today. May God always bless you and keep you safe. Always keep smiling." Kate said.

Kate kissed Krist's forehead and smiled. Krist went to Susan and hugged her. Susan had tears in her eye's. "Remember you will always be my son. You can come to us anytime." Krist smiled and nodded.

"And Singto better keep his promises this time. If not then he will have to face all of us." Prem said sternly.

Bright and Knot nodded whereas Gun and Wad shook their head. They were still protective of Krist.

Krist nodded and hugged them in a group hug. Knot patted Krist's shoulder and said,"Come on. It's time to go."

Krist nodded and went to stand between his parent's. One by one everyone left the room. At last when the wedding song played, Krist and his parent's walked out.

Singto was a nervous wreck. He was pacing in his room. New and Tawan laughed looking at him. Tew went to him and said,"Relax. Krist is not going to run away. He will be there."

"Are you sure? What if he changed his mind? What if..."

"Can you just stop this nonsense? You have together for a long time and now you are scared that he will leave you. If he wanted to leave he would have left way before. Today is your wedding day. Smile and laugh dont frown so much. Krist won't like it." New scolded.

Singto relaxed a bit and sat on a chair. Tew went to him and gave him water. Singto drank it and then asked,"Can't I just call him? His voice can calm me down."

New shook his head. "No...his parent's have strictly said that you can't call him before the wedding. And didn't you talk to him yesterday?"

Singto nodded."Ya..I did...but it was yesterday. It's been 24 hours for that. Just call from your phone Tew and just let me hear his voice atleast. Please."

Tew laughed and said,"Sorry buddy but Knot has taken my phone."

Singto glared at him. Tew laughed and said,"You would be meeting Krist in half an hour. Can't you wait?"

Singto sighed and nodded. He was excited for today. When he had proposed to Krist he had never imagined that he will be getting a family too. As he had no family, David and Susan did the responsibilities of a groom's family. Singto felt very blessed. They had planned the wedding since they had got engaged.

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