Chapter 5

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"What are you doing here?" Krist asked Singto. He glared at Singto. He couldn't believe that he would ne standing in front of him and smiling as if everything was forgotten. Krist didn't forget. He remebered everything.

He went inside and sat behind the desk. Singto sat on the chair still smiling at him. He liked seeing Krist angry.

"I asked you what are you doing here?" Krist asked again.

"Well yesterday you didn't come for lunch so I thought of having lunch with you today." Singto said.

"I had my lunch. If there's nothing else can you please leave? I have work to do." Krist said trying to sound calm but his heart was beating too fast.

Singto smiled and said,"Ohh I guess I was late. No worry I will try to come alittle early tomorrow. We will have lunch tomorrow."

"Why should I have lunch with you?" Krist glared at him.

"Because I want to. Bye Krist see you tomorrow." So saying Singto got up and left.

As soon as the door closed, Krist heaved a sigh of relief. His heart was still beating too fast. Damn he still looked handsome and evil. Krist calmed down. He was about to tell Godt but then decided against it. He didn't want to trouble him. He has signed a project with him and he didn't want any trouble.

He started working and soon forgot about Singto. Godt came to his cabin at 6. He had said that he wanted to leave early. Krist smiled at him and then both left.

Singto was sitting with New. He was upset that Krist was still angry at him. He thought that with time maybe Krist would forgive him. But he was wrong.

"What did Krist say?" New asked.

"I invited him to lunch and he refused saying he already had. I told him that I will come early tomorrow and he glared at me. He didn't even look at me. I deserved that I know. I lost him once. I don't want to lose him again." Singto said. He closed his eyes. He could still imagine Krist sitting in his cabin glaring at him.

"He still needs time. You were very harsh on him that time. It will take time for him to trust you again. And also he loves Godt now. They are living together. What will you do about that?" New asked.

Singto clenched his fists. He can never see Krist with anyone else. How could he allow Godt to come close to him? Doesn't he love him anymore?

"I will think about it later. For now I want to be friends with Krist again. Make him trust me again." Singto said.

"I guess you should be apologising to him. Then slowly start to be friends. And this time please don't do anything harsh like last time." New said.

Singto nodded. He will take it slow. He doesn't want to scare Krist. With time he is sure Krist will return to him. It doesn't matter to him that he is staying with Godt. He can forgive Krist for this.

Krist and Godt went to meet Knot for dinner. It was a get together with Bright, Prem, Wad,Gun, Knot and Tew. Krist smiled at them. Knot looked at Krist and asked,"How are you doing Krist?"

"Everything is good." Krist replied.

Knot looked at Prem and nodded. Prem said,"Wad told me that Singto has signed a project with Godt. Did you meet him? Are you ok?"

"Godt was with the whole time so he didn't talk to me much but today he came to meet me again during lunch." Krist said.

"What? When? Why didnt you tell me?" Godt shouted.

"I want to face him. I can't go on ignoring him. He will think that I am still hurt or worse that I still love him. I can handle him." Krist said.

"But you have to tell me if he comes to see you again. You won't lie to me. Understood?" Godt said.

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