Chapter 32

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Krist was restless. He couldnt remember Simon. Singto and Knot told him to forget about it but he can't. He can't live peacefully knowing that he hurted someone so badly that that person committed suicide. He can't face Mr. Park. After much thinking he called Tew and told him to bring him a picture of Simon. Maybe by looking at his pic he would remember him or anything related to him. He didn't tell his parent's and neither the Kongthanin's about Simon. Singto had slept in the room with him and had now gone to have breakfast. He called Knot and told him to come with Tew. He was waiting for them to arrive. He wanted to see Simon.

Singto couldn't sleep as well. Whatever Tew said it seemed all lies. He knew Krist. Krist could never be harsh to anyone. And even he didn't remember this Simon. Krist would have told him if Simon had confessed to him. He tried to remember if he had ever met Simon but he couldn't. He was getting frustated.

Tew searched everywhere in his room. He couldn't find any pic of Simon. He had turned his room into a complete mess. When Knot saw this he went to him and held his arm. Tew looked at him and sighed

"I have been searching since morning but I can't find anything. I had a pic of him when we had gone to the beach together but I don't know where I have kept it." Tew said.

"It's ok. Don't stress over it. Let it be now. Let's go. Krist must be waiting for us." Knot said.

"But I can't go empty handed. He is restless too. He wants to see his pic. I must find it. I must..." Tew said and started searching again.

Knot sighed and reluctantly started helping him. He didn't search for the pic because for him it wasn't a huge issue. He was tidying up his room. Tew noticed it and got angry at Knot.

"You are supposed to help me. Then what the hell are you doing?" Tew shouted.

Knot stopped his work and looked at him surprised. He had never seen Tew angry before. He just shook his head and started to tidy his place again. Tew looked at him and then went towards him. He grabbed his hand hard and said,"Knot, don't you think you should help me in finding that pic? We can tidy up after that. That pic is important."

Knot shook his head and said," may be important to you but not to me. I don't want to see his pic. Ok. Why don't you just forget about all this?"

"How can I forget? Didn't you see Krist last night? He should remember. That's the least he can do for Simon and for his parent's." Tew said softly.

Knot looked at Tew and asked,"If Krist has forgotten about it then why are you so adamant on making him remember again. What good will come out of it? This will only add more guilt to Krist's life. You know what he has been through. He has suffered alot. I don't want to add more to it. Please just forget about it."

"Sorry Knot but I can't. I will find that pic and show it to Krist." Tew said and went to search again. He opened his college yearbook and searched. He smiled when he saw Simon's pic in that book. It had one whole page dedicated to Simon. One could see his face clearly. Tew was very happy. He took the book and showed it to Knot.

"See I found it. Knot, I found it. Come have a look." Tew went to him excited and showed Knot.

Knot saw the page and read everything. It was just condolences from the principal and his friends. Knot looked at Simon's pic and tried to recollect if he met him ever in college or outside but he couldn't.

Knot shook his head and said,"I don't remember seeing him in college before. I doubt Krist will remember him."

Tew looked upset. Then what's the point of showing him if he won't remember. He was about to say something but then Knot started to clean up the mess in the room. He sighed and started to help Knot. Knot smiled looking at him.

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