Chapter 7

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After Singto left, Krist tried to do his work but he was still thinking of Singto. Is he really sorry for wjat happened in the past? Did I do the right thing? Krist leaned down on the table and closed his eyes. He was really confused. He didn't know why he had forgiven him. He had locked away all the memories of Singto way back in his mind and heart. He was really happy with Godt. He loved him, took care of him and always protected him. He would never think of hurting him. He sat up straight thinking about Godt. He looked upset when Krist told him about his being friends with Singto. He wanted to go right away to meet him. He stood up and went towards Godt's cabin.

Godt's cabin was on the 15th floor so Krist had to take the elevator but he was too restless to wait for it but he had to. He punched in the floor and was waiting impatiently. As soon as his floor reached he raced towards his cabin. He opened the door without knocking and was shocked to see it empty.  He searched in the balcony and restroom. But it was empty. He looked into tge conference room next to the cabin but that too empty. He took out his phone and called him but Godt had switched off his phone.

Krist was confused. Why was Godt behaving like this? Is he that upset with him? Krist kept calling him hoping that he will answer. He was about to cry when Laura saw him and came towards him.

"Krist, what's wrong? Are you all right?" Laura asked worried.

"Where is he?" Krist asked.

"Ohh Godt. He had a meeting today at MV International. He told me to inform you but I forgot. I am sorry." She said.

Krist sighed. He felt better now. Godt was in a meeting. He wasn't avoiding him.

"Thank you. When will he be back?" Krist asked.

"I don't know but I can ask Bright if you want." Laura asked.

"No it's ok. I will call him at lunch." Krist said and went.

He returned to his cabin and started his work. He smiled at Godt's pic in his laptop. He was scared a while back when he couldn't meet Godt. He relived all the harsh words that Singto had said but he knew that Godt wasn't like Singto. He would never leave Krist alone.

He was busy when his phone beeped. He took his phone excited  hoping a message from Godt but when he opened it he was upset. It was from Singto. He wanted him to have lunch together but Krist refused. He didn't want to have lunch with him. He wanted Godt. He was about to message no when he got a call from him.

"Hi Krist. Can we have lunch?" Singto asked.

"Umm. Actually I have to complete my work. So I won't be able to have lunch with you. Maybe next time." Krist said.

Singto could feel that Krist was lying but he didn't say anything. He had to give him some space. It was a big deal that Krist had forgiven him and had agreed to be friend's. He can't force him to be like before.

"It's ok. Maybe next time. Bye." Singto cut the call. He wanted to have lunch with Krist. He wanted to spend time with him like they used to do before.

"Krist refused?" New asked.

Singto nodded.

"Hmm. Give him some time. He has taken a big step today by forgiving you. He did say that he will be friend's but he needs some time. Have patience. I am sure Krist will be back soon." New said patting Singto's shoulder.

Singto smiled. Krist has to be back with him. He would see to it that he does come.

Krist waited for Godt during lunch but he didn't come. He recieved Godt's message that he will late and that Krist shouldn't wait for him. Krist smiled that he was still thinking of him. Krist went to have lunch and called him.

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