Chapter 20

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Krist was excited and very happy. He had found love again and he really did cherish it. He and Singto started having lunch and dinner dates often. Singto would pick and drop Krist to his place. Sometimes Singto would offer Krist to stay at his place but Krist refused. He thought it's too soon. They haven't slept together yet. Krist still needs time.

Krist made Singto meet all his friends. Seeing Krist happy everyone accepted Singto. Krist couldn't have been happier.

Mr. Kongthanin had also noticed Krist and he was also happy. He asked Bas in office while waiting for Krist.

"Is Krist dating someone?" He asked.

Bas looked at him and was afraid to answer. He didn't know how he would react.

"Sorry sir but I think you should ask Krist about that. I can't comment on it." Bas said. He was afraid that if he answers wrong he could get fired.

Mr. Kongthanin just nodded. Just then Krist arrived in his cabin. He looked surprised to see Mr. Kongthanin. He went and hugged the older person.

"Good morning. When did you arrive?" Krist asked sitting in his chair.

"Not for long. Just wanted to see you." He replied.

"Bas, can you leave us alone for some time?" Mr. Kongthanin asked.

Bas looked at Krist and nodded. He left.

"Krist, am very happy to see you glowing like this. Are you dating someone?" He asked directly.

Krist nodded.

"That's really great. I was really worried about you but now that you have someone in your life, I and your aunt can rest assured. Bring him over for dinner someday. Would like to know him better. Who is he?" Mr. Kongthanin asked.

"It's Singto Prachaya. We have known each other for a long time. Some days back he proposed and I accepted. I want to take my own time. I don't want to rush over things." Krist said

"I understand. You will always have my support. I want you to be happy. I am sure Godt will be happy too." He told Krist.

Krist hmmed. He looked at Godt's pic and smiled. After talking for some time the older guy left. Bas came in and asked,"So, did you tell him about Singto?"

"Yes and he was very happy. For a while back I was afraid of his reaction. But I don't need to be scared." Krist said.

"That's great. Even I was worried but it's good that he didn't object. Now let's work." Bas said.

Krist laughed and nodded. He took his phone and messaged Singto.

"Meet me at 7. Want to tell you something."

Singto replied ok.

Krist smiled and started his work.

Singto smiled looking at his phone. He was in his office with New. New looked at him and asked,"Was that Krist?"

Singto nodded and said,"Yaa. We are meeting for dinner."

New just nodded and then stood up. Singto looked at him confused.

"Where are you going?" Singto asked

"Am going to my cabin to complete my work. See you later." New said and walked out.

Singto stared at him. He was confused with the way New was behaving. He was acting strange now. He thought that maybe he was worried for Krist but now he didn't know. He decided to confront New and solve the problem.

The whole day New ignored Singto. Even when Singto went to his cabin for lunch New went out saying he had a meeting. After completing his work Singto ran to New's cabin to catch him before he left but New was already gone. Singto called New.

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