Chapter 11

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Soon it was time for Prem's wedding. Krist took leave from office so that he could have fun with his gang. Godt didn't mind as long as Krist was happy. Prem and Wad were getting married at a resort. They had booked the rooms for a week so that they could hang out with their friends. Krist had went with Knot. Godt didn't leave as he had work.

Krist woke up and sighed. He looked at his bed. The empty side and sighed again. He was missing Godt. It was their anniversary and he hoped that Godt would come to him but he didn't.  He waited for his call last night but no call or message either. He took his phone and thought of calling but then stopped.

"Let's see if he forgets. I won't talk to him if he forgets what today is." Krist said determined.

He got up and after a shower went outside for breakfast. His gang was having fun as always. Even Bright had come today. Knot looked at Krist and smiled.

"So when is he coming here?" Knot asked.

"Don't know. He hasn't called yet." Krist said sulking.

Knot laughed. "He will come I am sure. He loves you and he won't leave you alone na."

Krist smiled. He nodded and started chatting with his friends. Everyone went silent all of a sudden. Krist looked at them shocked. He looked where they were still staring. He was surprised to see Singto and New coming towards. He smiled at Singto and waved at him. He looked back and was surprised. Knot, Prem and Bright were glaring at him.

"What is he doing here?" Prem asked Wad.

Wad looked at Prem and replied,"I invited him. He is not only my boss but also my friend. I am sure that he won't do anything to Krist. He has changed now."

Knot and Bright were not convinced. Prem shook his head. He knew that Wad had invited Singto but he didn't expect hin to join them so early. He looked at Krist but he didn't look disturbed at all. He looked at Krist and asked,"Krist, are you ok with him coming here?"

Krist nodded and smiled. He didn't say anything and continued eating. He started chatting with Knot. Singto and New came to their table and greeted everyone. Wad asked,"I didn't expect that you two would be coming early.  This is a nice surprise."

New smiled and said,"We also wanted to spend some at the beach so we came early. So how's everybody doing? Can we join you guys?"

Prem nodded and Singto and New joined them. They chatted like old friends. Krist didn't chat with Singto nor New. He was sitting beside Knot and all his attention was at his phone. Singto kept glancing at him hoping that Krist will smile at him. New noticed but didn't say anything. He was surprised to see Singto so calm after a long time. 

After breakfast everyone went to their rooms. Krist also got up to leave. Singto rushed towards and stood before him. Krist was startled at first but then smiled when he saw Singto.

" How are you Krist? I hope you don't mind my coming here?" Singto asked.

"I don't mind. Come on all of us were friends during college. It's good that now we can become one group again like in college." Krist said smiling.

Singto smiled and asked,"Are you going somewhere now?"

"We are going for lunch out. So have to change. You also can join us. Meet me at the reception. Ok." Krist said.

Singto nodded. Krist went to his room and sat on the bed. He was still waiting for Godt's call. He was upset now. He thought of calling him and scolding him but then stopped himself.

"Calm down. It's just morning. I am sure that he will surely call after lunch." Krist said to himself and went to change.

Everyone went for sightseeing and then lunch. Singto walked beside Krist the whole time. Knot and Bright noticed this. During lunch they went to Singto. Singto was surprised to see them.

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