Chapter 28

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"Do we still need to protect Krist and his family?" Brian asked Singto.

Singto was thinking. It's been month's since the building fire accident. At first he thought maybe someone wanted to harm Krist so he oredered Brian to protect them but since then there hasn't been any accident nor anyonr has tried to harm Krist. Singto was doubtful. He didn't want to remove the security but he didn't have any reason. He sighed and nodded

"I guess you can stop for some day's. But if anything happens you have to be back ASAP. I don't want anything to happen to them. Understood?" Singto said.

Brian nodded and left.

Singto sighed. He hoped that nothing would happen to Krist.

He had spoken to Krist some hour's back. He was busy in office with Forth. Even if Forth and Bas were now engaged but he still didn't like it when Forth would work with Krist and that too in his cabin. They can arrange a new cabin for Forth but no, he has to share with Krist. Singto looked at the time. It was lunch time. He took his car key's and stepped out.

"P, where are you going?" John asked.

"I am going for lunch. Why?" Singto asked. He didn't want to waste any more time.

John smiled and said,"I just wanted to remind you that you have to go for a meeting to Korea."

Singto gasped. "What? Korea? Who decided that?" He scolded John

John looked scared. He didn't want to anger him.

"Sorry but some day's back you had told me to arrange the meeting there." John said.

"Uhh many days?" Singto asked. Looking at the time he was getting more impatient.

"For a week." John said and stood up from his seat. He moved far back afraid of Singto's outburst.

"What?? One week?? Seven days? Who told you that I will spend 7 days in Korea?" Singto shouted at him.

No way is he going to stay 7 days without meeting Krist. He doesn't trust Forth. What if he does something to Krist? No...No..

"But sir, you told me to book for 7 seven days. You said you wanted to spend time with New." John said in a low voice.

"I did..when?" Singto asked himself.

Then he remembered that New had called him and invited him to stay with him for some days and he had said yes. He had to go for a meeting too so he had told John to book for 7 days. He palmed himself thinking to be a fool. John had done everything according to his orders and he got angry at him.

He looked at John and said,"I am sorry. I forgot about it. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow night sir. Can I ask you something?" John asked afraid of his reaction.

Singto nodded.

"Can you take someone else or Mr. Krist with you for this trip?" John asked.

"I had asked Krist but he is busy. But why? Don't you want to come with me. It will be a nice experience." Singto said and moved closer to him. John stood at his place frozen. He was afraid that Singto must be angru with him.

John shook his head. "It's not that. I...I..."

"What?" Singto stood in front of him and asked

"I don't know if I can handle thing's there. What if I make a mistake?" John said nervous.

"So. You can make mistakes and then you can solve them too. I will help you don't worry. Also you can take some day's off after the meeting. You can go for sight seeing too if you like. So what do you say?" Singto asked smiling.

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