Chapter 19

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Krist avoided Singto the next day. Last night he kissed Singto but he didn't know why he wasn't feeling guilty about it? His heart was calm. When Singto had hugged him, Krist felt calm and content. He cried in his arms and Singto consoled him. Krist couldn't understand why he still wanted to hug and kiss Singto? Has he moved on? Has his heart accepted Singto's love? He couldn't answer any question his mind asked.

He was sitting in the meeting but mentally he wasn't there. His mind was still recalling last night. What's wrong with you Krist? Krist held his head and moved his fingers on his forehead rubbing his head.

Bas saw Krist and asked,"Krist, are you not feeling good? You can take a break for some time. Your presentation is after 2 hours. You need to be focused for that. Go. Take a break for now."

Krist nodded and after apologising to Bas he went out. He took out his phone and called Knot. The only person who could help him. He called him and waited for him to answer.

As soon as he heard Knot's voice Krist started.

"I kissed Singto last night. I don't know how it happened. I was crying on the beach missing Godt and Singto came beside me. He.. he hugged me...and ...then...I don't know how.. but I ...I was in his..arms...and when he kissed me..I don't know why...but I kissed him back...I don't know why I kissed him??? I am losing ny mind." Krist took a breath and tried to calm down.

Knot was silent at the other end. Krist thought maybe Knot cut the call. He was afraid.

"Knot...are you there?? Knot..."

Knot laughed and said,"I am here. So why are you confused? You like being with Singto. You hugged him back and when he kissed you, you didn't push him away. You kissed hin too and from your words I think tou liked kissing him. It's a good thing Krist. It means that your heart has accepted Singto. Then why are you complaining?"

"But I don't want to. You know what moving on means. I will lose Godt again. I will have to forget everything about him. I can't do that. I promised him that I will never forget him. I can't do this." Krist said crying.

"But Krist, Godt is dead. All his memories will always be a part of your heart and I am sure that even if you accept Singto, you would never forget Godt. And I don't think Singto will force you to do anything. Atleast talk to Singto and then decide. He deserves a chance Krist. You deserve a chance. You can't be alone your whole life. Think about it." Knot said and cut the call.

Krist took a deep breath and sighed. He opened Godt's pic in his phone and smiled. Knot was right. Godt was still alive in his heart and all his memories are still there. No matter what he can never forget all that.

He was still lost in his thoughts that he didn't realise when Singto stood beside him. He was surprised to see him. He looked at him and smiled. Singto looked surprised and smiled back.

"What are you doing here alone? I was searching you." Singto said.

"I wasn't feeling good so I came for a walk." Krist said and kept back the phone in his pocket.

"Oh I am sorry for last night. I shouldn't have kissed you. I am sorry but I don't regret it. I love you Krist. It hurts me to see you cry. I am sorry if you are disturbed because of that." Singto said looking down.

"When I met Godt I couldn't love him. I was so broken that I couldn't trust him but he...he didn't back down. He was so persistent that I couldn't resist. He loved me so much. He gave me everything I wanted. His love, his care, his touch...he never left me alone. Always stood beside me."
Krist smiled.

"I know what Godt meant to you and in your life. I will never ask you to forget him or to replace him. But can I have a small place in your heart? Can I love you and hold you? Can you give me a chance?" Singto asked.

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