Chapter 29

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Singto was reluctant to go but he had arranged everything so he went to Korea. He told Brian to be careful. He didn't want to take a chance with Krist's security.

Krist and Forth went to their presentation. Krist was nervous as this was their first project after the merger. Forth was calm as always. They were meeting Mr. Park for the first time.

Krist was pacing in the waiting room. They had come ahead of their appointed time. Forth was laughing seeing Krist so nervous.

"Why are you so tensed? Calm down. We have come prepared. Don't worry we will get this." Forth said.

Krist stared at him and then sat beside him. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. The more they were waiting the more agitated he was becoming. He looked at the closed door and asked again

"How much longer are we going to wait?"

Forth laughed. He was about to answer when the receptionist came towards them and said,"Mr. Park will meet you now. Please come with me."

Forth nodded and stood up. He looked at Krist and gestured him to follow them. They went to the conference room and prepared their presentation. Mr. Park arrived with his team and met them. Forth and Krist introduced themselves and started. Mr. Park listened to them and sometimes asked questions. Forth answered his queries perfectly. Krist was also satisfied.

After the presentation, they waited for Mr. Park's decision. Mr. Park discussed with his team and then said,"Mr. Perawat and Mr. Jaturapoom. I was really very impressed with your presentation. I am ready to join this project with you."

Krist and Forth were excited. Krist shook hands with Mr. Park and said,"Thank you so much Mr.Park. We assure you that you won't be disappointed."

Mr. Park smiled and shook hands with Forth. Forth smiled back and said,"Well then we will prepare the contract and the terms. We will contact you when it's done."

Mr. Park nodded. He said,"My lawyer's will meet you to discuss the terms. Hope you will co-operate with us."

Krist nodded.

Mr. Park said,"Let's have lunch together."

Krist and Forth nodded. They went for lunch together and also discussed more about the project. Krist liked Mr. Park. He was feeling content now. He liked Mr. Park and they talked about each other lives too.

Krist got a call from Singto. He excused himself and took the call. He told him about their project being approved. Singto was also happy for him. He told him that he was having lunch with Forth and Mr. Park. They chatted for some time then Krist cut the call and went back to Forth.

Mr. Park and Forth were chatting comfortably. When Krist joined them Mr. Park said.

"Why don't you two take a tour of my company? I hope you can take some time out and look around. We are going to work together so I think you should look over."

Forth looked at Krist. Krist was also reluctant. He said,"I understand Mr. Park but I am afraid we would not be able to. We have to go back to our company for some work. Maybe next time."

Forth said,"Krist is right. We can look at your company some other time. Hope you understand sir."

Mr. Park smiled and said,"It's ok. Maybe next time. It was nice meeting you."

Mr. Park stood and shook hands with Forth and Krist. He left after promising to meet soon.

After he left Krist heaved a sigh of relief. He was so tensed with Mr. Park. He smiled at Forth and said,"Thank you Forth. You really helped alot."

"Anytime. You don't need to thank me. Come let's go." Forth said and went out.

When they reached office Krist called Mr. Kongthanin and told him the news. He was also very happy for Krist. They called their team and also the legal team and started discussing about the project. By the time they finished it was almost midnight. Krist closed his eyes and massaged his forehead. He was about to have a headache. Forth stood beside him and said,"Let's have some dinner amd head home. You are too tired. We can complete the remaining tomorrow."

Krist nodded and they left for dinner near the office. As Forth had driven his car to the office he left soon after.

Krist walked towards his car and scrolled through his phone messages. He smiled seeing Singto's messages. He took out his car key and was about to enter the car when some men surrounded him.

Krist panicked. He looked at them and then tried to shout for help but a man covered his mouth with his hand. Krist was scared now. He tried to speak but he couldn't. The men grabbed his bag and emptied everything on the floor. Krist guessed that they were robbing him for money. Another man searched him and took his phone and wallet. Krist kept silent. He was scared that if he reacted or shouted they will hurt him.

After taking his phone and wallet, one man signalled the other's. Krist thought that they will now leave him but then they started to hit him. Krist fell on the floor and tried to save himself. The men started to kick him on the stomach and face. Krist was badly hurt and bruised. He was about to lose consciousness when someone kicked the men off him. He heard someone fighting with the guy's.

Krist couldn't see who that person was nor could he see wjat was happening around him. After a long time, Krist could sense that they had stopped fighting. That person came beside him and held him. He could feel someone touching his face and yelling something but he couldn't understand.  After some time he lost consciousness.

"Our men managed to hurt him enough but not much." The man reported.

"Why is that so? He was alone now. You were supposed to kill him not hurt him. Again the same mistake. I should just kill all of you morons." The boss shouted.

"We were going to kill him but then another guy came and fought with us. He hurted us badly. If we hadn't run away he would have killed us all. Or worse he would have got us arrested." His man said.

The boss could see many cuts and bruises on his men's faces. He was still angry. Another plan failed.

"How badly did you hurt Krist?" The boss asked.

"As bad as we could. We destroyed his phone so he couldn't call for help but then we don't know who that person is or where he came from. We had made certain that Krist was alone."

The boss thought for a while.

"I want to know how badly hurt he was. I want all details by tomorrow morning. Understood?" The boss yelled.

He sat on his chair and sighed. Another plan foiled. Krist must be really lucky he thought. He stood and went near his desk. He took a picture frame and said,"Don't worry my son. I will avenge your death. I won't rest till I kill your murderer. I won't spare him. He has to pay."

He had anger in his eyes. He was going to avenge his son's death and he was willing to go to any means to do that. Anything.

"Be careful Krist. You won't be lucky all the time."

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