Chapter 35

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Krist stood shocked when Singto was handcuffed. He looked at Singto who was telling him that he didn't do anything. That he didn't kill Godt. Krist looked at his eye' be certain that he wasn't lying. When Singto was taken out Krist followed him. He didn't hear anything except what Singto was telling him. To trust him. And he did. He trusted him. Krist went to his car and started to drive. He called Knot and told him to meet him at the police station. Knot had agreed. After that he didn't know why but he called Forth too. Forth had also agreed to meet him there. He followed Chan's car and reached police station.

He went inside with Singto and Chan. As soon as Singto was brought in, Chan took him to another room. Krist tried to meet him but Chan didn't listen to him. Chan brought Singto's cell phone out and gave it to one officer. He went to Chan again and said.

"I want to meet him once. Just let me talk to him."

"I am sorry but I can't. I want to question him first and then you can meet him." Chan said.

"How can you arrest him? Did you have any proof?" Krist asked.

"Yes I do have." Chan replied.

Krist was shocked. He looked at Chan trying to see if he was lying. He shook his head. He said,"What proof? I want to see it. You are lying. You just want to close this case soon so you have made him a scapegoat. Singto can't kill anyone."

"You can think whatever you want. I am doing nothing wrong. I have arrested Singto according to law. I have proof that shows the truth." Chan replied.

He tried to move but Krist stopped him again. "You have to show me the proof. Godt was my fiancee. I have a right to know."

Chan smirked. "Are you sure you want to see it as Godt's fiancee and not as Singto's lover?"

Krist was silent. He glared at Chan and before he could answer someone answered.

"No matter as what he wants to see but I am Godt's brother and I have the right to ask for it." Forth said.

Chan glared at Forth who did the same. Knot also had arrived. Forth gestured his lawyer to come forward. His lawyer showed some papers to Chan and Chan's face changed. He was angry now.

"You can't just barge in and disturb my case. I have every right to solve my case and punish the culprit and you all are disturbing me. I can arrest all of you for disturbance." Chan threatened.

"Go ahead and try. Either you do as we say or be ready to kiss your  case goodbye. It's upto you." Forth said calmly.

Chan glared again and threw the papers on his table. He sat on a chair and pressed his nape to calm himself. After some time ge said,"All right you want to see the proof. I will let you see it but it will be in my presence. Also I want you to call Mr. Kongthanin to see the proof for himself."

Forth nodded. He went out to call David. Krist went to Chan and said,"Let me meet Singto for once. Till they come. For once."

Chan was about to refuse but the lawyer came forward and said,"You can't deny him the right to meet his boyfriend. He can meet for some minutes no?"

Chan nodded and ordered his officer to take Krist. He told his officer to stay in the room. Krist rushed out with the officer. Knot looked at Krist and nodded.

In the rooms Singto was angry amd troubled. He didn't know why Chan had arrested him. He looked at his handcuffed hands and kept his head down. After some time he heard the door open. He expected Chan to enter but he was surprised to see Krist. He was relieved to see him. This meant that Krist trusted him and he was happy now.

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