Chapter 38

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Mr. Park was devastated. He had never imagined that his wife, his son's mother would kill his only son. And for what? Just because he loved a guy. She never told him anything about it. When Simon had died, she had lost her mental health. She hadn't spoken to anyone after that. He was hearing her speak after many years. He held her hand and cried.

Krist and everyone were shocked as well. Singto took Krist out of the room and made him sit on a chair. Krist looked at Singto and said,"How could she kill her own son? For honour? For society? How could she?"

Singto hugged him and said,"She thought she was protecting him from society. Not everyone behaves well with gay's. Don't you remember when we started dating, even we had to hear some rude remarks..but we handled them. We were strong for each other. Simon looked at his mother for strength but she....she betrayed him. She wasn't strong enough."

Krist didn't say anything. They heard someone come running towards them. Krist was surprised to see David come towards them. He hugged Krist as soon as he reached.

"Thank are safe. When Forth called I was so scared. I just rushed over. You are alright?" David asked.

Krist told him everything and David was shocked. He didn't say anything. Krist looked at him and asked,"Did you hate me too?"

David was shocked. "What? What do you mean?"

"Godt was your only son and he loved me. Did you hate me at that time? For turning him gay?" Krist asked crying.

David shook his head. "I always wanted him to be happy. To love someone and make that person part of his life irrespective of that person's gender. He was happy and that's important nothing else."

"And now? Now when I am with Singto do you hate me?"

David smiled. "You are my son and I only want your happiness. If you are happy with Singto then I am happy too. Ok?"

Singto smiled hearing this. After some time, Officer Lee went into the room with some officers.

"Will they arrest Mrs. Park?" Krist asked.

"No. She is not in a stable mind. Even if she has confessed to killing Simon, she can't be punished." Singto said.

"She got her punishment." Forth said.

Krist and Singto looked at him confused.

Forth said,"She killed her only son. She won't be able to see him. Not hear his voice. Never hold him. Isn't that punishment enough?"

Everyone nodded. David felt bad for Mr Park. He could imagine the pain he must be feeling. But still he could never forgive him for what he did. After some time, Officer Lee came out with Mr. Park handcuffed.

He said something to Lee and came towards them. He saw David and knelt in front of him.

"I am terribly and truly sorry for what I did. I...I was blind with revenge. But believe me I never wanted to kill Godt. It was an accident." Mr. Park said

"Krist is also my son and you tried to kill him. You could have stopped when Godt died but you didn't. You have hurt Krist so many times. I can't forgive you. Never." David said sternly.

"But I am not a heartless person like you. I will make sure that your wife gets the same treatment like before." David said.

Mr. Park just nodded and then went towards Krist still on his knees. Krist looked at him with no emotion.

"Why didn't you just confront me about Simon year's back? You wouldn't have become a murderer. You destroyed my life. Killed my fiance. Destroyed all my memories with him. What did you gain? Would killing me bring Simon back?" Krist shouted at him.

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