Chapter 12

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Singto was devastated. He couldn't see Krist lying unconscious. Its been weeks since Krist and Godt got into an accident. Everyone including Krist's and Godt's parent's were waiting for news about them. They were still unconscious. Godt was severely injured. They had received call from the hospital and they had rushed over. Prem and Wad also sat near. Singto didn't leave from Krist's door. He kept crying. It hurted him to see Krist lying like that.

Knot was crying silently. He kept his composure in front of everyone but now sitting alone in a corner he couldn't stop crying. The doctor's were trying their best but he was scared to lose Krist. He was scared of losing Godt too as he knew that if anything happened to him Krist would die. They loved each other that much. He didn't want to lose anyone. Tew came beside him and hugged him.

"Tew...please...I ....can't...." Knot sobbed.

"Have faith P. I am sure they will get up soon." Tew said crying.

They were busy consoling each other.

New went to Singto. He brought him food and tea. Since the day Krist had got admitted Singto was standing outside not eating nor drinking. Just kept looking at him through the glass and praying. Singto looked at New and tried to smile.

"I am not hungry New. Thanks." Singto tried to smile but he cried.

New hugged Singto hard and let him cry.

"You have to be strong for Krist and for yourself. Please be strong na. Eat something. Please." New cried and gave him the food that he had brought.

Singto refused but New forced him to eat. Singto opened his mouth reluctantly and ate.

It was weeks when Krist woke up. Weeks of hell for Singto. He ran towards his bed when the doctor said that he was awake. Singto ran towards Krist and held his hand. Krist opened his eyes and blinked several times. He tried to move his hands but Singto stopped him and said,"Careful. Your right hand is fractured and legs are injured too. You have to be careful. Don't try to move."

Krist opened his eyes and saw Singto. Singto smiled at him. Krist's parent's came beside him and hugged him. They cried on seeing him awake. Krist smiled at them. He hugged them back. Knot came afterwards and hugged him.

"You scared us. Don't ever do that again. Understood?" Knot said.

Krist smiled and nodded. Everyone came and hugged him. At last Godt's parent's came towards him and hugged him. Krist looked at them but didn't say anything. They hugged him and went out. Everyone started to move out. Krist's parent's and Singto and Knot stayed with him.

"Mae." Krist called to his mom.

Krist's mom went to him and asked,"Yes dear. You want anything?"

"How long have I been here?" Krist asked.

Mom smiled and said,"For 3 weeks son. We were so scared. We thought....but you are safe now. Don't worry. Get better soon."

Singto and Knot looked at him. Knot went to a side and signalled Krist's parent's and Singto to come there.

"What's wrong, Knot?" Singto asked.

"Why hasn't he asked about Godt yet?" Knot asked.

Mae and Dad looked at him shocked. Singto too was shocked.

"Oh God...I didn't realise. Why hasn't he asked for Godt? They were together in the car. Why didn't he ask about him?" Mae asked.

"He didn't react much when his parents met him. At that time too he didn't ask. What do you think is wrong?" Knot asked.

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