Chapter 33

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Krist heaved a sigh and took a deep breath. He looked at the company and went inside. He had stayed home for 4 days. In these 4 days neither David nor Susan called nor visited him. He was really restless now. He couldn't stop himself and had come to the company himself. Singto and everyone had tried to stop him but he didn't listen to them. He can't stay at home anymore.

When Krist reached his cabin, he saw Bas. He smiled at him and hugged him. He went to his cabin and was shocked to see Forth sitting in his cabin. Forth looked up to him and said,"Hi Krist. What a surprise. You should have rested some more."

Krist shook his head. He waited for Forth to get up from the chair so that he can sit and work. Forth stood up and Krist went to sit on his chair. Forth smiled at him and moved aside. He sat across him and said,"Are you sure you want to start working?"

"I am fine now. I want to work. I am so bored resting the whole day." Krist said smiling.

Forth laughed and nodded. He showed the file he was working on and also updated him on all the projects. Krist was happy to work again. After going through everything Krist asked,"Have you met Mr Kongthanin?"

Forth shook his head. "No. The last time we had met was in the hospital. After that he didn't come to the office too. I called but he said he can't meet me."

Krist looked at Forth and said,"He hasn't  come to see me for so many day's. I thought maybe he is busy in office but..."

Forth didn't reply but he could see that Krist was upset. Krist asked,"Have you met Mr. Park?"

Forth shook his head. "No..even he didn't answer my calls. I called his assistant but he said that he will call us. But still no call. Maybe he is also busy with something."

Krist nodded. He wanted to meet Mr. Park and atleast apologise for what Simon did. No matter what everyone said he couldn't forget about Simon. He felt he was partly to blame as Simon killed himself because of him. They started to work quietly when David stepped in. He was shocked to see Krist. Krist looked at him and rushed towards him. Krist hugged him happily and David hugged him back.

"How are you Krist? Why are you here? You should be resting at home." David said.

"I am fine now. Please let me work. I am so bored at home." Krist said.

David smiled and nodded. He was about to leave when Krist stopped him and asked,"How's mae? She didn't come to meet me nor did she amswer my calls."

David was silent. He held Krist's hands and said,"She is...she is still upset. She was crying the whole night. She can't...she needs time... I hope you don't..."

Krist shook his head."No..I could never hate her...I can understand  what she must be feeling. I can wait for her. I am sure she will be like before soon."

"I hope so." David said smiling.

Krist smiled and went back to work. He hoped that soon Susan will come back to him.

Singto had gone to meet Officer Chan. He wanted to ask him some questions. Singto was made to sit in a room with only a table and chair. He looked at the room and shrugged. It was a room for interrogation. He was getting upset as time went.

He was sitting in the room alone for 2 hours but still no sign of anyone. He looked at his watch impatiently. He couldn't wait to get out of the room. He was made to look like killer. He was getting angry now. How dare they treat him like a criminal. He was about to smash the chair into the wall when Officer Chan arrived with 2 cups of coffee.

Chan smiled at Singto and placed the cup in front of him. Singto glared at him and asked,"What's the meaning of this? Why am I being kept here?"

Chan smiled and said,"Sorry to keep you waiting. I was in a meeting. Please control your anger. Have some coffee."

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