Chapter 24

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Krist was devastated. He still sat near the street. His eyes still staring at the burning building. The building fire was extinguished but the firemen were still inside. The police wanted to investigate so no one was allowed to enter the building. Everyone was looking at Krist pitifully. Singto was still sitting near Krist but Krist didn't even look at him. He was anxious to go inside. Knot, Prem, Bright and Tew were standing around them. Mr and Mrs Kongthanin had also come to check on Krist. Forth and Bas had also come. Forth felt bad for Krist.

After some hour's the police came towards Krist. Krist stood up and asked,"Officer, can I go inside now?"

The officer said,"You can but first give us your details."

Krist nodded and gave his details. The officer noted everything and then left. As soon as the officer left, Krist ran towards the building. Singto and everyone ran after him. Krist was like a mad man. He fell many times but he didn't stop. He ran up the stairs and when he reached his apartment he froze.

Singto and Knot stopped behind him. Singto moved forward amd held Krist's hands. Krist took a deep breath and went inside. Everything had burnt. The furniture, the walls, the curtains...everything burnt. Krist cried looking at everything. He imagined his living room. The couch where he and Godt used to cuddle and watch movies. The curtains which were in Godt's favourite colour burnt. The kitchen where he used to cook Godt's food burnt. He looked at the walls. He tried to touch the burnt picture frames lying down but Knot stopped him.

Krist was sobbing like a kid. He went into the bedroom. It was burnt as well. The wardrobes had collapsed. He went forward and picked up pieces of burnt clothes. He started picking up everything and then he told Singto,"Help me na. Bring me a bag. I want to collect all this. These are Godt's clothes. I can still keep these. Come fast."

Singto was heartbroken. He couldn't see Krist like this. He went forward and sat beside Krist. He stopped him and said,"Let it go Krist. These are ashes. You can't do anything. Just stop."

Krist glared at him and said,"I won't. I want to keep this and I will whether you help me or not."
Krist continued.

Singto pleaded alot but he didn't stop. He was frantically collecting more ashes and burnt pieces. Knot stood looking at him but when he couldn't control anymore he went forward and jerked Krist to stand up. He forced him to stop but Krist didn't budge.

At last Knot slapped Krist. Krist was shocked. He looked at Knot and started crying again. Knot took his head in his hands and looked into his eyes. He said,"Stop it Krist. Everything is destroyed. You can't save anything now. Stop hurting yourself na."

Krist looked down at the ashes and cried. Knot hugged him and carressed his back. Singto stood at his place and just watched Knot console Krist. He was crying too.

After some time Krist stopped crying. Knot asked,"Are you feeling good now?"

Krist nodded. He looked at everything one last time and left. He was heartbroken. He had lost Godt again and this time too he couldn't save him. This place was where they had lived for a long time. He had too many memories and now he had nothing. He went out and after looking one more time he left the building with Singto and Knot.

Once out Mr and Mrs Kongthanin came towards him and hugged him. Mrs Kongthanin asked,"Be strong dear. There's nothing you could do. Don't cry please."

Krist hugged her and cried again. Mrs Kongthanin consoled him and kept caressing his hair. When Krist had stopped he looked at her and said,"I am sorry mae. I couldn't save anything. Godt must be disappointed in me."

Mrs Kongthanin shook her head and said," It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself. Godt would never be disappointed in you. He always believed in you. Don't cry. You know how much he hurts it. Do you want to upset him?"

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