Chapter 21

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Krist opened his eyes and smiled. It's been a long time since he woke up in someone's arms. He looked at Singto who was still asleep. He touched his hair softly. He softly moved his fingers on his eyes, nose and lips. Singto parted his lips and kissed his finger. He opened his eyes and saw Krist smiling at him. He pulled him closer to his chest.

"Good morning, love." Krist said.

Singto beamed a bright smile. It's been too long since Krist called him 'love'. He was waiting to hear those words from him. He kissed Krist with love and passion. Krist smiled at him and placed his head on his abs. Singto pulled him to his chest and kissed him again.

Krist kissed and said,"What do you eat for breakfast? I will cook for you."

Singto caressed his hair and said,"Anything is fine. I will wat anything you cook for me."

Krist blushed. Singto loved seeing him blush. His whike face would become red. Krist got up and went to the bathroom. He stopped at the door and said,"Lend me your clothes for today."

Singto nodded. He got up and went to his closet. He began looking at his clothes and then imagined Krist wearing it. In no time he got a boner again. He tried to calm himself but couldn't stop himself anymore. He went to the bathroom and saw Krist naked under the shower.

Krist was surprised to see Singto. He wanted to tell him to keave but seeing his hungry eyes he couldn't speak. He looked at him and nodded giving him the permission to join him. Singto wemt inside the cubicle and stood  behind Krist.

The water dropping in their naked bodies. Krist leaned back into Singto. Singto caresses his arms and ran his hands on his naked chest and stomach. He moved lower and took Krist's length in his hands. Krist moaned and he grabbed Singto's hair and kissed his lips. He sucked and licked his lips. Singto's member was throbbing. He positioned himself between Krist's ass and rammed in.

Krist graoned at the painful thrust but then forgot the pain when Singto kissed him passionately. He moved his hips and pulled Singto more closer. Singto continued to thrust and bit his neck. Krist bent forward and grabbed the wall. Singto was thrusting hard and he was going to come soon. Singto moved Krist in his arms and lifted him up onto his waist. Krist wound his legs on his waist and bit on Singto's neck. Singto groaned and increased his pace. With a heavy grunt he came into Krist's ass. Krist came on his stomach. They hugged each other. Their breathing heavy. They smiled at each other and Singto was about to kiss him when his phone rang.

He pecked Krist and moved out to answer the phone. He wrapped a towel on his waist and looked at his phone. It was New. He cursed himself when he remembered that he was supposed to see New off. He answered the phone.

"Singto, are you awake? Are you still coming?" New asked.

"Sorry I got up late. I am coming to the airport. Please wait for me na." Singto said and moved quickly to take out clothes.

"I am waiting. My flight got delayed. You still have time to see me. Be fast now." New said and cut the call.

Singto wore his clothes fast and laid out clothes for Krist. Krist came out wearing a towel on his waist and Singto started to drool again. He was about to hug him when Krist stopped him.

"Control yourself. We have to leave or we will miss New. We promised him that we will see him off. Let's get dressed and leave." Krist said.

Singto smiled and nodded. He gave his clothes to Krist and went out. He wouldn't be able to control himself if he saw Krist naked again.

Singto sat in the living room and waited for Krist. Krist came wearing his clothes. Singto was drooling again. Krist saw hunger and lust in Singto's eyes. He stood in front of him and said,"Let's go or we will be late. I want to meet New."

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