Chapter 23

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Krist was lost in his thoughts. He kept recalling how Gun and Tew said that he didn't love Godt truly. That he should forget him and all their memories. Gun called him selfish for being with Singto. Tew had also agreed. Was I wrong in moving on? Am I being selfish? Does Godt also feel that I have forgotten him so soon? Maybe I was..Krist was thinking.

Singto looked at Krist from a distance. After they left from Bright's restaurant he had brought Krist to his place. Krist hadn't spoken to him nor had he noticed that he was in his place. Now Krist was lying on his bed but still silent. It broke Singto's heart to see him hurt again. He wanted to hug him and caress him. But he was afraid to touch him. What if he breaks up with him?

Singto was lying on his couch when he got a call from Knot.

"Sorry for calling so late but I was worried for Krist. Is he alright?" Knot asked.

"He is sleeping now but he is silent since we came back. I am scared Knot. What if he breaks up with me? I don't want to lose him. I can't..." Singto cried. He was about to lose the person who he loved too much. He can't stay apart from him.

"Singto, you need to be strong. Krist is vulnerable now. You had seen how hurt he was. I am sorry for Tew. He shouldn't have said all that. Take care of him. I will call him in the morning." Knot said.

"Ok." Singto said and cut the call.

He went and peeked inside his bedroom again. Krist looked asleep. He went near him and he could see that his cheeks looked wet. Krist must have cried. Singto sat beside him and caressed his hair.

"Please come back to me na. Please don't hurt yourself. I am there for you. Don't cry anymore." Singto whispered and after placing a soft kiss on his head he left.

In the morning, Singto prepared Krist's favourite breakfast. He was about to go and call him when he saw Krist coming towards him. He smiled cheerfully and went to hug Krist. Krist smiled back and hugged him.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Singto asked.

"Somewhat good. I am sorry for last night. I shouldn't have worried you. I..."

" can come to me anytime. I will always be there for you. I promise. Promise me you won't cry again. I can't see you cry. Please." Singto said and kissed Krist.

Krist nodded and kissed back. Singto smiled at him and said,"Come let's have breakfast. You need to go to office too."

Krist nodded and sat down to eat. After eating Krist took a shower and wore Singto's clothes. Singto looked at him with hunger. He went and back hugged Krist and kissed his neck.

"Hmm...We will be late...let's go na." Krist said and moved in Singto's arms. He held his face in his hands and kissed him.

Singto smiled and hugged him. They went together in Singto's car. Krist remembered his car was still at Brights so he said,"Singto, I have to take my car from Bright's so don't pick me up after work. I will leave on my own."

"No. You can take my car. I will bring your car to your place after work. I don't want you to see Gun again." Singto told him.

Krist nodded and they went to Singto's company first. After dropping Singto, Krist took his car to his office. He went to his cabin and looked at Godt's pic. He took the pic and was about to touch it when he recalled Gun's harsh words. His eyes watered. He swiped his eyes and tried to smile at the pic.

"Don't worry na Godt. I am fine. You have taught me to be strong and I will be. I know that my happiness is important to you. It always was. Don't mind other's harsh words. They don't know anything about us. Don't worry ok." Krist said smiling.

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