Chapter 37

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Krist and Forth were frozen. They sat down and just looked at David in disbelief. They couldn't imagine a nice guy like Mr. Park to be a murderer. He was always nice to them. And he had never interacted with Godt then why would he kill him.

"Did...did...that Chan accuse Mr. Park now? How can you believe that moron? He doesn't...." Forth started to say but David interrupted him

"I told that moron about Park. I had people investigate the truck driver. When Krist's building was burnt, Singto told me about his suspicion that someone wanted to hurt Krist. So we did our own investigation." David said.

Forth looked at Krist shocked.

"Did you know about this too?"

Krist shook his head. He didn't know. Even Singto didn't tell him anything. How could he keep a secret like this?

"Why didn't you tell us? You could have atleast told me." Krist asked David.

David shook his head. "Singto didn't want anyone else to know about this. We didn't know who that person was. We were suspecting everyone around us. Singto, didn't want you to panic. We only wanted to keep you safe."

"Then why did you suspect Singto when Chan accused him?" Forth asked.

"No. I didn't suspect him but I couldn't say anything. You saw how Susan was. Also Singto had made me promise that till we don't catch the real culprit we won't disclose anything to anyone. So I had to keep quiet." David said.

Krist shook his head. "But why?"

David looked at Krist and said,"He wanted to kill you. He wanted revenge for Simon."

Forth was confused. "Whose Simon?"

"Simon was Park's son. He was studying in Krist's university. He had proposed to him and when he refused, Simon jumped off a bridge. He killed himself."

"But I still don't remember him. I would have remembered something when I saw his pic but I couldn't. Maybe I never met him." Krist said. He never thought Mr. Park would be behind all this.

Just then Singto came in running. The moment he saw Krist he ran to him and hugged him tight. Krist felt relieved to hug him. Singto gave him strength and he needed that.

"Thank God. You are safe. When you cut the call mid-way, I got scared. You are ok, right?" Singto asked. He was still hugging Krist. He kissed him and said,"Please don't scare me like this again. I can't lose you."

Krist nodded. He looked at Singto and said,"Why didn't you tell me?"

Singto then realised David and Forth were in the room. He looked at Krist and asked,"Tell you what?"

David said,"I have sent all the evidence with my lawyer to Officer Chan. Also this time to make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid, I have sent a copy to the commissioner as well. This time he will pay."

Singto then realised that David had told them about Park. He sighed and said,"I am sorry but I didn't want to scare you. I told Mr. David when he also started to get suspicious."

"When was that?" Krist asked.

"When your building was burnt, Mr. David started his own questioning. I met him and we agreed to do this together. We couldn't involve you as you would have done something stupid or risked your life. Also we didn't who was on our side. We didn't know anything." Singto said.

"After that we had you covered. We had security follow everywhere you went. We had questioned everyone we suspected. But you had no enemies. I followed people with whom Godt did business. But still nothing." David said

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