Chapter 22

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Krist was still in a daze when he left the office. Bas had come into his cabin with Forth behind him but he didn't say anything. He just gave him files and left. Forth left behind him. Krist was confused about them. How do they know each other??

He was about to call Singto when he got a call from Bright. He wanted everyone to come to his restaurant . Krist called Singto and told him to meet him there.

Singto was missing New alot. He was used to being around him so much that now he couldn't do any work. He was forgetting thing's and he was starting to get frustated as he couldn't find the file. He was supposed to be in a meeting but he was late as he couldn't find the file. He had cursed and swore at everyone in the office. Everyone was afraid of the Evil Singto.

He was about to call New and tell him, no, he was going to scold him for leaving him in a mess. But at that time John entered. He placed the file on desk and said,"Sorry P'Singto. I misplaced the file but I found it now. I hope you are not too kate for the meeting."

Singto was still angry. He glared at him and said,"How could you misplace an important file? You should have kept everything ready for the meeting. If I lose this contract then be prepared to be fired."

John was too scared. It was his first job and he made a huge mistake. He couldn't say anything just stand with head bowed. Singto glared at him again and was about to leave when he saw that John wasn't following him. He got more angry.

"What are you standing there for? Do you need an invite to attend the meeting?" Singto screamed.

John nodded silently and went with Singto. He was too scared and embarassed to face Singto. He apologised again and went to attend the meeting. In the meeting Singto maintained his calm and John did his job really well. Singto helped him and made him understand everything about the project and the people joined with it. John was in awe. He was scared of Singto before but now he liked working with him.

After the meeting Singto returned to his cabin. John followed him and gave him the schedule of other meetings. Singto heard everything and nodded. He looked at John who was still looking scared.

"I am sorry for screaming so much."

"No Sir. It was my fault. I should have prepared everything. It's my first job and I messed up on the first day. Please don't fire me. I promise I will do my job perfectly. I won't let you complain or let you down. Please give me one chance." John was on the verge of tears now.

Singto felt bad for him. He got up and went to him. He hugged him. John was shocked that Singto hugged him. The Evil Singto hugged him. He looked at Singto bewildered.

Singto smiled at him and said,"I am sorry I lost my cool at you. I and New were in this company for so many years. I never imagined that he could leave me. I was hurt and angry but not you. I felt lonely and lost today. Sorry and don't worry I won't fire you. We can work diligently I am sure. I will help you in understanding every thing. Ok."

John smiled at him. He was feeling relaxed now. He was sure that with time he could work nicely and he won't let Singto down. He looked at Singto and nodded.

Singto smiled and said,"Order coffee for us. I will help you with everything today. From tomorrow you can do it on your own. If you have any questions you can ask me directly. Ok."

John nodded and smiled. He went out and sat in his chair. He was still smiling recalling Singto's words. He remembered coffee and went to the cafetaria. He took the coffee and went back.

Singto looked at him coming and smiled. They both spent the day discussing about every project. John quickly learned about the important projects and the people associated.

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