Chapter 27

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It's been weeks since the merger party. Bright tried evertything to see Gun. He even went to his home but Max didn't let him meet Gun. He called many times but Gun never answered. Krist felt bad for him. He felt guilty as he was the reason for their fight. He never understood why Gun hated him so much. He wanted to try to be friend's but before he could do that Bright did this.

They were sitting in Bright's restaurant. Knot, Tew, Krist, Singto and Bright. Bright had bags under his eyes which showed that he wasn't sleeping well. He was looking lost. He had tried everything but he wasn't even able to see Gun.

"What should I do guys?" Bright asked. He looked at them hoping that they could help him.

"Give him some time. He must be angry and sad too. Maybe once he cools down he will meet you." Knot said.

"How could you do that? How could you be so cruel to him?" Krist scolded him.

"Sorry I...I wanted him tk be friend's with you but he refused. I don't know why. I wanted to ask him but instead of asking I broke up with him." Bright said.

"Did you go to his place?" Singto asked.

"Yaa..I have been going everyday but Max doesn't let me see him. He has threatened me many times. I even went to the places he likes but he didn't show up."

"Is that Max?" Tew asked.

Everyone looked towards the door. They saw Max walk in with a box. He seemed to search for Bright. He looked in their direction and went over. He dropped the box hard on the table. Bright looked at him confused. He opened the box and was shocked to see all his thing's which he had given Gun.

Bright looked at Max angrily.

"That's all your stuff. I was going to throw it but then Gun stopped me. I am warning you again. Stay away from him." Max said glaring.

"Can't we just talk?" Knot asked.

"I am sure Gun must be miserable too. He loves Bright...." Tew said.

"Yaa you are right. Since that day he has been crying all day and night. He did love Bright alot but Bright didn't. It's better that they broke up." Max said.

"I am sorry. I told you million times. I am sorry. I shouldn't have said all that but it was all in anger. I love him alot. Please let me talk to him." Bright pleaded.

" Why do you need to talk to him? You showed how much important he is to you. What more are you going to say?" Max asked.

"But what happened is Gun's fault too. If he wouldn't have insulted Krist so much Bright wouldn't have gotten angry and he wouldn't have broken up with him." Singto said.

"So you are saying it's Gun's fault?" Max shouted at Singto.

"Cool down. We can talk it out." Krist said.

Max took a deeo breath. He ran his fingers into his hair and tried to control his anger.

He sat down beside them. He glared at Bright and now at Singto too.

"Ok. Let's talk. Then you should leave Gun alone. You get that." Max said.

"Why does Gun hate ne so much? What did I do?" Krist asked. He wanted to know.

"Gun, my little brother, is too innocent. For him love is a very sacred thing. He hates it when people treat love casually. He believes that once you love a person you should belong to him for eternity. He hates when people change their love due to some differences." Max said.

"I think Gun never told you. My parent's loved each other a lot. When my mom dies some year's ago we were devastated. My dad destroyed. He was lost, alone and lonely. We tried to make it up to him but for him his world had stopped. He couldn't live on. He killed himself." Max said with tears in his eye's.

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