Chapter 33

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Singto was restless, agitated, angry and most of all scared. Scared of losing Krist. Since the time Officer Chan had said that the accident was to kill Krist he couldn't rest nor do anything. His only priority keeping Krist safe. He had called Brian and told him to double the security for him. Now he wants more guards around him. Also he will be with him all the time.

When Krist got discharged he waited for a while. He looked at the door. All his friends were there. His parents and also Singto but Godt's parent's didn't come. Krist was sad and heartbroken. Kate went to him and hugged him. Krist tried to smile. Kate shook her head and said,"Give them time. I am sure they will come back to you."

Krist smiled and hoped it to be true. When Chan had said that the accident was to kill him he was shocked. He felt guilty thinking about Godt. Godt truly loved him and he sacrificed for him and what did he do? He went  back to Singto who disliked Godt. For a moment he had suspected Singto again but then he had shook his head. He believed him. Singto could never do anything like that. Godt's mae had cried alot and David had taken her home. He had told Krist that he will come today but he didn't.

Singto went beside Krist and took his hand. Krist smiled at him and stood with him. He then went out with Singto leading him. Singto took Krist in his car and his parent's sat back. Knot and his friend's came in their car's. Everyone was worried for Krist.

At Krist's home, Singto was surprised to see it as a small and homely. He loved it instantly. Kate hugged Singto and said,"Thank you staying with Krist. I know you must be feeling bad that Krist suspected you but don't misunderstand him. Godt was his past and you are his present. I hope you will stay in his future too."

Singto nodded and smiled. He hoped so too. He loved Krist but he wasn't sure if Krist still loved him. He had told him many times that he didn't kill Godt but he didn't believe him. He did feel bad but he didn't blame Krist. He was standing alone when Knot came beside him. He looked at Knot and tried to smile.

"I know what you are thinking but don't rush into things. Give him time to think. So many thing's have happened at the same time. You have to stay strong beside him. You will, right?" Knot asked.

Singto nodded. He will always stay beside him no matter what. Steve came down and went towards Singto.

"Krist wants to meet you. Go to him." He said.

Singto nodded and rushed to Krist's room. Krist was sitting in his bed. He smiled looking at Singto. Singto sat beside Krist.

Krist hugged him and laid beside him. Singto kissed his head and hugged him closer.

"I am sorry Singto..please forgive me na...."

"Hmmm....sorry for what?"

"When officer Chan said about Godt's accident, I suspected you again. I am sorry. I do believe you Singto. I really do. I am sorry..."

Singto kissed Krist and said,"It's ok. Don't stress. I won't leave you ever. I know that I was too stupid back then and hurted Godt alot. I am sorry for all that. But I never wanted him dead. Never. You do believe me right?"

Krist nodded. He did truly believe Singto. He was not a bad person. He hated him back then because he acted like a asshole but he has changed so much. He has supported Krist in every way and stood by him. He showed Krist how much he loved him and now Krist loved him too.

"I love you Singto." Krist said looking at his eyes.

Singto smiled and said,"I love you too.."

Krist moved closer and kissed his lips. Singto moaned and touched his neck. He bit and sucked his lower lips and moved his tongue around his lips. He leaned forward and laid Krist on his back and hovered on top of him. Krist moaned and grabbed Singto's back. Singto kissed and bit on his neck.

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