Peter Meets The Avengers

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(Civil War happened but they talked it out like adults. Peter knows what happened with Tony, Steve and Bucky and has forgiven them. Homecoming happened. Inifinity War and Thor Ragnarok did not occur.)


Peter's P.O.V. (Point Of View)

"Pete, honey, wake up!" Aunt May shouted from the living hall. " 'Kay," I said while half asleep.

I changed and brushed my teeth before grabbing my bag and going to the dining table. I checked my phone to see that it was a Friday.

"Bye Peter. I larb you." Aunt May said giggling and walking out the door.

"I larb you too!" I replied. I eat my breakfast and left to take the subway to school.

Skipper The Time Skip Is Here!!!

School was boring, as always. Everything was simple.

Flash had decided to not come to school today which is a major blessing to me. I checked my phone while waiting for others to enter the class.

In Da Phone

Mr. Stark: Hey Pete, are you fine with the Avengers being here later on?
Peter: Sure.
Mr. Stark: Great, they want to meet you. Should I tell them who you are?
Peter: IDK. Up to you
Mr. Stark: Than it shall be a surprise!

Real Life

I was hardcore fanboying in my mind at this point. Not only was I meeting the Avengers, they were excited to meet me and I get to show them my secret identity!

Timer The Time Skip is sad cause Esma is getting all the attention.

I walked out of school to see a familiar black BMW waiting for me with Happy inside.

As soon as I got in, I rambled. Like hardcore rambled. I could tell Happy was annoyed but ya know, I didn't care.

ʕ•ٹ•ʔThis is Esma, she's a time skip.

When we reached a half hour later, I got out of the car and got to the security checkpoint.

"Peter Parker, Alpha level 10. Welcome back Peter, would you like me to inform Da Bozz about your arrival?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. says as humanly welcoming as an A.I. can.

I chuckle at Mr. Stark's name. "Sure, why not." I replied to F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Tony's POV

"Da Bozz, Peter has arrived" F.R.I.D.A.Y. says.

"Who in the world is Peter?!" Clint asks pouting. "You aren't even notified when we arrive."

"Not important Clint, Tony, who is Peter?" Capsicle asks.

"My personal intern" I reply simply.

A chorus of, "when did you get an intern?" are asked by them.

"Just wait and see." I reply somewhat bored. Hopefully my kid... Wait no, *the* kid comes soon.

Peter's POV

I reach the pent house expecting to only see Mr. Stark cause at this point, I have forgotten about the Avengers.

"Hey Mr. Sta...OH MY GOD! I TOTALLY FORGOT THEY WERE GOING TO BE HERE!" I freak out. I swear, my memory has been worse ever since the spider bite.

"Hey kid. This is The Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff, Capsicle or Steve Rogers, The Winter Soldier or James Buchanan Barnes, Ant Man or Scott Lang, Wasp or Hope Van Dyne, War Machine or James Rhodes, Falcon or Sam Wilson, the god of thunder or Thor, the god of mischief or Loki, I don't want you going close to him and Clint Barton." Tony says, introducing everyone to me.

"Tones, why did you bring a kid?" Rhodey asks. "Yeah and why don't I get an introduction?" Clint asks.

"Go ahead" Mr. Stark tells me.

"I sorta, am Spiderman..."I said nervously.

"WAIT WHAT?! ANTHONY EDWARD STARK, YOU BROUGHT A KID TO A WAR?!" Everyone screams loudly at Mr. Stark.

They're overloading my senses so to grab their attention, I cover my ears with my hands and go into a fetal position. Mr. Stark notices and immediately runs to me, drawing the full attention of the others.

"Sorry, everything was too loud" I said. "It's fine, kid" Mr. Stark replies.

"Sorry about all that. My name is Steve Rogers, as Tony has said before." Mr. Rogers Captain America Sir says.

"It's fine Mr Rogers Captain America Sir" I say and stand up.

"You can just call me Steve, no need for formalities."

"Okay..."So straight away and I get to call Captain American by his first name...

"I'll head to my room to do homework first. Bye Mr. Stark, Steve Ms. Romanoff Black Widow ma'am, Mr. Barnes Winter Soldier Sir, Mr. Lang Ant Man Sir, Ms. Van Dyne Wasp Ma'am, Mr. James War Machine Sir, Mr. Thor Odinson God Of Thunder Sir, Mr. Loki Odinson God of Mischief Sir and Mr. Barton Hawkeye Sir." I said before leaving for my room.

"I like him." "Same." "He's polite." "How can Tony create such a kind soul." "He may be worthy."

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