Thank-you. (A/N)

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Thank-you for your support.

At this point of time, we are nearing 40k views.

I remember when I was first introduced to Wattpad.

I was watching a Wanda×Peter YouTube music video and there was a comment about putting the storyline on Wattpad.

When I first came, I only searched for those.

After a while, I stumbled upon the first one shot book.

From then on, I always read it.

Then, I thought about writing my own stories.

"It wouldn't be that hard... Right?"

And with that, this book was born.

I enjoyed this journey.

I enjoyed your support.

So Thank-you.

With that over with, I'll just stuff some one shots here for reading this.

I know a lot of people skip author notes.

(´ . .̫ . ') This is _______(Up to you).
He/She/It/They is/are ___________.
He/She/It/They love(s) to __________.
He/She/It/They will be with you till the end of the line.

Steve stumbles upon a wild Peter lying on the floor.

"Pete, what are you doing?"

"Questioning existence." Peter the Gen Z kid answers.

"May I join you?" Steve the guy who grew up during the great depression and understands fatal humor asks.


"Oh god, not another one of you fatalistic humans!" Tony says walking into the room.

Bucky proceeds to walk into the room and join Steve and Peter.

"Ugh, I quit." Tony says while leaving.


Peter was bored so he decided to make whatever a bored spider teenager genius made when they were bored.

Turns out the contraption could stab someone with a knife that Peter somehow got.

"Stab me now, dear contraption." Peter says.


StAbBY StaB sTAb.


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