Replaced. (TW) (Part 1)

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Peter's P.O.V.

It was fine at first. Mr Stark got a new intern and that was fine with me.

His name was Josh (no offense to the Joshs' out there), he was 17 which was a year older than me. He was blond and had baby blue eyes. The perfect child.

When he first joined, he was nice and kind to everyone including me. But as time went by, he started bullying me.

He got along with Mr Stark. He got along with the Avengers. He was apparently 'polite', 'kind', 'fun' and 'perfect'. Everything that I wasn't.

He took up the time I had with the Avengers. Constantly talking to them while I was there.

When I went to Mr Stark's lab to help with his suit. I saw Josh. Mr Stark never let anyone else get into his lab.

It's okay Peter, it's okay. His probably just there to entertain Mr Stark while I'm gone.

I walk in through the door.

"- the correct component is helium! Not Carbon. Kid, I expect you to be better. But it's okay. Let's wait for Peter to co-", he stops mid-sentence, noticing I was there.

"Hey Pete," Pete. Not kid. "Come join us! I'm teaching Josh the different parts of my suit so he can fix it in the future!"

Mr Stark never let anyone else touch the suit except for me. And that was 3 months after! Josh had only been here for a month!

"Uh...I have calculus homework to do." I stutter out a reply.

"Okay then, settle it first."

I walk to my desk to be greeted with some new items on the table and none of mine.

"Oh yeah Pete, I put your items in the cupboard so that Josh would have a table to work on since you always use the floor instead."

"Okay." I said faking happiness. He replaced me. He replaced me with another kid.

I take some items from the cupboard before starting my homework. I had 2 projects and an exam coming up so I also made sure to study.

2 hours later cause why not?

"Hey Pete, can you stay with May for the week? Josh needs a room and I lent him yours."Mr Stark says while startling me both because of the sudden noise and the fact that he gave my room to Josh.

"Uh... Sure."

"Great! Your things are on the ground floor." Mr Stark says with enthusiasm. Why. Whywhywhywhywhywhy. Ugh.

I go to the ground floor to collect my things which consists of my backpack and a luggage of books and clothes.

I took a taxi home and just plopped on the sofa.

"Peter? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to stay with Mr Stark?" May asks, coming out of her room.

That's when I broke. I told her what had been happening. The replacing, the bullying, the everything.

Needless to say, she was fuming.

"Aunt May, please don't do anything!" I plead.

She nodded hesitantly.

At the Avengers Compound

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Tony, what do you mean you let the new intern stay in Peter's room?" Pepper yelled at Tony.

"I lent the room to Josh!" Tony fought back. "It's only for this week!"

Josh took the chance and walked into the common room.

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