Peter Romanoff

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Peter was an experiment.

Natasha was never meant to know of his existence.

When the Red Room sterilised her, they took out a single egg and placed it in a surrogate mother along with the reproductive cell from one of the enhanced males at HYDRA (not Bucky).

They wanted to see the end result. 

However, something wrong happened with his genetics and he ended up with asthma, poor eyesight and a weakened immune system.

Both KBG groups decided to leave him and deserted him when SHIELD infiltrated one of their bases.

The poor baby was found and adopted by two scientists named Richard and Mary Parker.

The only reason Natasha found out was because one of her handlers trusted her too much. Such that she could access the Red Room mainframe with no issue.

Once Natasha got out of the Red Room, the first thing she checked was if she still had access to the mainframe. Luckily for her, she did. After scrolling for a while, she found a record of a baby named Petrof Romanova. However, there were no records of him after he was abandoned.

That was until the famous Parkers deaths. They were the head scientists at SHIELD and everyone mourned them. Their four year-old son was at the funeral and upon seeing him, Natasha knew she had found her child.

She approached him but he had no recollection of her given that they had never spent any time together.

Knowing of the red in her ledger, she opted to watch him from afar instead.

She knew when Ben died and when he became Spider-man. 

She wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be alright but she knew better.

When SHIELD had gotten interested in Spiderman, she would purposefully lead them away from the adorable doe eyed child in Queens.

He may not have known anything about her but she knew everything about him.

Then, one day, they met.

Tony of course, was the reason.

It was all awkward stuttering from Peter and fake judgemental stares from Natasha in the beginning but soon she could no longer hold back the urges and hugged him.

No one knew what was going on but the words she whispered in Peter's ears were all he needed to understand.

"Moy Syn (my son)"


Tears were spread as the two tightened their grips on each other.

Peter had always known he was adopted. As much as his parents tried to hide it, there was never an actual reason to why he could just naturally speak and understand Russian or why his hair always seemed to be redder than his parents.

When he was hugged by THE Natasha Romanoff, he felt a connection to her and had a suspicion that she was his mother.

The next words she spoke were enough to confirm that.

'Welp, I guess I'm a Romanoff now." He said as they broke apart.

When the others asked them what that was about, they would just look at each other and smile.

Tony was confused but glad to see his intern so happy and at ease.

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