Tough Love (Chapter Enam)

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“Kid, my time is worth millions. So, you owe me at least 27 of those Grande, Quad, Non-Fat Frappuccino’s from Starbucks for making me come all the way down here to remind you to come up to the lab”, drawled Tony, strolling through the gym doors.

“Oh hey Mr. Stark!” wheezed Peter, nowhere to be seen, until Steve got up to reveal a skinny mess of limbs that he had been holding down.

“You good there?” snickered Tony.

“Yeah I’m al-”

“The kid decided to turn up late today, so he isn’t leaving until the three hours are done”, interrupted Steve.

“And why exactly were you late?” asked Tony, somehow looking down at Peter, even though they were both the same height.

Peter, too embarrassed to tell them that he’d been so excited to show them his web fluids that he’d found one of the first fluids he made (in the crevices of his school bag, which also housed half a cookie and multiple wrappers), and promptly webbed his hands together on opening. Instead he came up with, “I uhhh, I couldn’t find my-, umm socks!”

“Mind telling us, why, after approximately an hour of searching for your socks, they are still unmatched?” asked Tony drily.

Wringing his hands, Peter replied, over his inner cringe of despair, “These kind of were the ones I was looking for.”

“When will he be done?” asked Tony, turning abruptly towards Natasha, apparently deciding to not even dignify him with a response.

“When he manages to take one of us down, or he passes out.”

Peter gaped, “Uhm, I’m sorry what d-,”

“Shut up” advised Tony to Peter. Then he whistled amusedly, “Well let’s see it then!”. He settled himself down on the bleachers and trained his eyes towards them in a pose of attention. At their questioning looks he waved his hands impatiently, “Go on! I’m waiting!”

“Ok then!” said Natasha, “Parker, on the mats. Steve or Sam? You pick.”

That was weird. Well, Sam was an absolute jerk-face to him and he definitely trusted Steve a lot more. However, he was an enhanced super human and Peter would cry if he had to endure one more bone-crushing punch that Steve insisted were just ‘barely nudges’. “Err Sam?”

“Are you asking me or telling me?”

“Telling you? No, no wait!” he winced, and deepened his voice to sound a bit more confident, “Telling you.”

Natasha smirked, “Steve?” she said motioning towards the mats.

Steve gave Peter a disapproving grimace as he walked onto the mats. “You are also enhanced Parker, and we are preparing you to deal with anything that comes your way. And that includes non-humans that are much stronger than either of us.”

“Then why’d you even ask?” said Peter exasperatedly.

“Excuse me. Watch who you are talking to.”

Peter forced some control into his voice, “Why did you even ask me? Ma’am?” he added hurriedly.

“Your answer reveals a lot”, replied Natasha shortly.

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