Tough Love (Chapter Satu)

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(This is not written by me. It's written by an awesome author on Ao3 by the name of Anything1234. I'm sorry for not writing recently but my first exam begins tomorrow and with prelims and PSLE I don't have a lot of time.)

Tony rubbed his hand over his face trying to wake himself up. He’d locked himself away in the lab two days ago when he started his project and stopped FRIDAY from notifying him of anyone trying to enter since then.

At 2 AM, 7 hours and 13 cups of coffee later, he finally slinked out of his lab for some food.
However, he walked into the kitchen and was stopped short by three accusing glares on him.

“Please tell me I’m hallucinating this bizarre midnight meeting” he whispered to himself.

“Look who finally decided to enter the realm of the living” said Nick Fury smoothly.

Steve and Natasha sat on either side of him, but while Steve looked at Tony concern discernible in his eyes, Natasha deemed him not worthy of her attention and turned back to intently peruse the files in her hands.

“Well I’m starting to regret it if you are the first person I meet” replied Tony who thus far, had been successful in artfully avoiding every single occupant of the Tower since they’d moved in. “Why are you here?” he addressed Fury curtly already planning how to get back to his lab.


That stopped him in his tracks. That was the last thing Tony even expected.

“How do you know who Spiderman is?” he asked dangerously.

“Was he even trying to maintain a secret identity?” Fury asked derisively laughing. “After he crashed that plane on the beach to ‘take down’ the Vulture, it was child’s play to trace back the damage to the school” he said, holding up the picture of the dented school bus in Midtown Tech on Homecoming night. “The kid keeps a suit in his locker, makes his web fluid in the chemistry lab and gossips about his spider manning to his friend everywhere. We had his identity in 12 hours.”

“Fuck” muttered Tony under his breath. When was this kid going to give him a break? He knew exactly what Peter had done even after he took away the suit, but he was taking some time to process how to deal with it. Yeah, the kid had done a good job with the Vulture but he still ignored literally everything Tony told him, and he knew that it could have resulted very differently.

“God Tony! Why would you even bring that kid into this?” Steve exclaimed suddenly.

“He was doing this long before I got involved” Tony flared up. “I just gave him better and safer equipment to do it with!”

“Well what about all the damage he’s caused with your equipment then?” Steve shot back immediately. “That bodega that was completely destroyed when he engaged with those thieves, the ferry he literally got sliced in half? And even though he may think everything is great because he took down the Vulture, that plane was literally kilometres away from destroying the city. Something that would not have happened if you nipped this in the bud and got actual professionals to handle it!”

“I did try to nip it in the bud! God I even took his suit away after the Ferry incident!” Tony said, losing his patience.

“Looks like your mentorship was great then” Natasha inserted dryly. “Seeing as the next thing he did was put on a onesie, engage with a man carrying weapons in his school and go on to crash a plane filled with alien tech and explosives right next to a city.”

“Look this kid is more stubborn than I even expected – “said Tony, defending himself.

Fury cut across him “Well it doesn’t matter anymore, I’ve taken matters into my own hands. The kid has summer holidays. I sent agents to talk to him yesterday.”

“Talk to or intimidate?” Tony muttered shrewdly.

Skilfully ignoring him, Fury continued “Starting tomorrow, for the remainder of his summer, Parker will live here and you will train him. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want to be an avenger, vigilantes are dangerous, and he has a lot to learn before he can be trusted to continue this solo act.”

“And what about his parents, how will they react to-” Steve began suspiciously.

“I’ll deal with the parents.”

“How do we know he won’t just run away back to mommy the second we are tough on him? If we must tiptoe around him then there’s no point to the training. We need to be able to train him with our own methods!” Steve insisted.

Once again cutting him off, Fury said dismissively “Believe me, he won’t.”

None of them seemed satisfied with that answer but Fury’s look was enough to stop even Tony from pursuing the matter.

“What makes you think we even have the time to deal with an obstinate teenager? And what makes you think he will cooperate?” challenges Tony trying to go for a different angle.

“I have sufficient evidence to believe that he will cooperate so that’s not going to get you out of it. And I would say that you either find time now or somewhere down the line you’ll find yourself having to send Damage Control down to the city again for the next thing he blows up” Fury throws over his shoulder as he walks out of the door, uncaring of the effect his pronouncement makes.

“What an asshole” said Tony nursing an oncoming migraine.

“Tony, look he might be great kid, but you have to agree that he’s got no experience and needs some discipline” Steve said seriously.

“Does it look like we have a choice anyways?” replied Tony starting to follow Fury out the door.

“No” Natasha said blocking his way. “If we’re doing this we need to do it right and do it together. He needs some tough love and the three of us are going to take charge of his training. Agreed?” she asks smoothly.

“Fine” said Tony and for the first time that night he looked her in the eyes. “I’m taking this seriously. And we are going to need to be tough, because now we know from experience, he loves disobeying me” he said rolling his eyes.

And with that agreement, they left the kitchen, ready to meet Peter in the morning.

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