Tough Love (Chapter Empat)

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Peter remained in the gym for about two hours after the rest of them went up for dinner. Having not finished the 30 rounds in 10 impossible minutes the first time round, Natasha threw over her shoulder as she left that he could come up when he managed to do it. Once he had, it took all his remaining effort to drag himself up the stairs, to crash on his bed. Unmoving, he lay there, sluggishly wondering why he was even there if they couldn’t be bothered to deal with him.

He did not know, that at this time tomorrow he would be wishing to go back to a session where they ignored him.

His head slammed the mats for what felt like the 18th time and his vision was going black around the edges. Natasha’s voice from above grated on his head, overly sensitive hearing exacerbated by his fatigue “Get up”.

With a groan he managed to push himself up by his elbows slowly while his muscles complained at the movement. “Just wait… wait one second” he panted when he saw Natasha resume her defensive stance.

She shot him a questioning look.

“Well it’s not exactly training if you don’t let me get up for long enough to get in the moves you want me to do!” exclaimed Peter angrily.

“Get up then”.

It was a silent challenge for him to argue again and they both knew it. Natasha was quietly dangerous, indifferent, daring him to talk back, with threatening undertones. Steve and Sam treated him like he was a soldier in the army. He was yet to decide who would win the prize for World-Class Asshole, but Sam was the closest contender. At least Steve and Natasha screamed at him while they were teaching him something.

Sam was just there whenever he needed someone weaker to take out his frustrations on. Peter got up warily when Steve came up on his other side. “Do the roundhouse kick” he said, folding his arms.

Natasha raised an eyebrow, clearly giving him the floor to attack first. He wound up his leg behind him, threw it into a wide sweeping motion while rotating his body. His foot actually made contact with her chest and the sheer strength made her jolt backwards. Before he could rejoice in his first hit, she had grabbed hold of his leg and pulled sharply, his other leg giving way to slam his head onto the ground. Eyes still not completely in focus, he clambered up onto his knees “Did you see that?” he asked excitedly trying to see their reaction. “I mean I did it for the first time!”

“I’ve told you four times that the front of your foot has to hit her. That’s three times too many” said Steve firmly ignoring Peter’s smile.

“Yeah I know, but I still hit her and-”

“And the next time you do it that way your ankle will crack from the impact on the side” said Steve flatly.

He couldn’t stop the frown from pulling at his face, a sour expression taking over. He barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes but they could all see his glare. The rush of exaltation he had felt on performing it was quickly doused by Steve’s words. He tried to school his expression; showing his defiance, was not worth them sending him back.

“Stop acting up and start listening” Sam said sharply at his dour expression.

“Kid this is just a reality check for what you are getting yourself into” said Steve with something resembling patience.

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