A Mission Gone Wrong

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Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Sam and Peter were going on a mission. A supposedly simple mission.  A small Hydra base.

Little did they know, that Hydra base contained a lot of mutants that have the same power as Wanda.

"Shit! Building's going down! Building's going down! Everyone get out now!" Falcon said into his comm.

"Got it. Me, Natasha, Steve are out." Hawkeye said.

"I'm out." Said Iron man.

"Uh? Spiderman?" Falcon asks.

"Sorta stuck in a room with mutants with Wanda's powers..." Spiderman responds.

"Shoot, kid, where are you?" Iron man asks with concern.

"Uh...Door 45 from corridor 34 room 769." Spiderman responds.

"How are we meant to find you in time?" Falcon asks.

"I'm running out no- flippin' guards!" Spiderman says.

"I won't be able to make it out in time, you guys need to clear the building's 5mile vicinity." Spiderman says.

"Kid, we aren't leaving without you." Iron man says.

"Yeah. We're going in to help you." Natasha says.

Clint and Steve make sounds of agreements with Natasha.

Clint, Steve and. Natasha run in and Iron man clears the vicinity. Falcon observes from the sky.

"Guys! Get out!" Spiderman shouts over the comm.

"No!" Steve responds.

"We are not leaving without you whether you like it or not Peter." Clint says.

They reach Spiderman and help him end the fight. Suddenly, a piece of the ceiling falls.

Spiderman catches it.

"Guys, leave now! I won't be able to hold it for long!" Spiderman shouts.

Natasha and Clint run to the exit while Steve stays put.

"You're going to die and I'm not allowing it!" Steve says.

"I am not! Just go!" Spiderman kicks Steve towards the exit and throws the ceiling away.

And with that, the whole building fell.

"Spiderman!" Shouts Falcon.

"Kid!" Came from Iron man.

"Spidey!" Hawkeye shouts.

"маленький паук!" Black Widow shouted over the com.

"Spiderman!" Came from Captain America.

They watched as the building collapsed with their fellow member inside.

"I'm fine. Chill." Spiderman shots over the comm.

All the other member heave a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorta stuck tho." Spiderman admits.

"We'll get to you. Don't move." Steve says.

"Natasha, search the pile over the north, Clint, go with Natasha. Tony, search over the West pile. Sam, search the South pile. I'll search east." Steve ordered.

"Yes." Came from all of them.

"Me and Natasha are at North and there is noth- Is concrete supposed to move?" Clint asks.

"T-that's not concrete. That's... SPIDERMAN!" Natasha shouts.

"All members proceed to Clint and Natasha." Steve commanded.

They ran over and saw a familiar red and blue figure lifting up concrete and trying to get free.

"A little help and a less watching please?" Spiderman asked with a tint of laughter.

"H-how?" Clint asked, clearly shocked.

"Not the first building to have fallen on me."Spiderman mumbles under his breath. Unfortunately for him, Sam, Steve and Tony heard it.

"What?! When did a building fall on you?" Tony asked before running over with Steve to try and help free him.

"Homecoming." Was all Peter said before fainting.

Steve and Tony took this as a sign to hurry up and got him out.

They all got in the quinjet and flew back to the Avengers compound. Tony rushed Peter to the Medbay and Bruce immediately started surgery.
When Peter finally woke up after a 1 hour nap, all the Avengers rushed in to the room.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked.

"Are we okay? Dude, a building fell on you, not us." Falcon said.

"Like I said, not the first one." Peter responded.

"About that, when did it happen?" Tony asks.

Peter then proceeded to explain what had happened on homecoming.

The Avengers made a promise to themselves to kill anyone who dares to hurt their baby spider.


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