Tough Love (Chapter Tiga)

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It was pretty early in the morning after his tragic first meeting with the Avengers. In fact, he'd been determinedly spending the following hours fantasizing all manner of preferable first impressions. They included (but were not limited to) swinging in to save one (or all) of their lives followed by a hearty congratulations from each of them in turn. This activity, though providing a brief reprieve from his embarrassment, was time consuming. About three hours in (around the time he was single-handedly infiltrating a Hydra base and was being lauded by Bucky and Natasha, both of whom he had pushed out of the way of approaching bullets) he decided it was time for his head to depart the pillow which it had been squished into since he had entered the room and thrown himself on to the bed.

With a load groan of dismay, he saw that it was already way darker outside than he thought it should be. He checked his phone and exclaimed "Shit! It's already 3?"

Causing him to jump onto the ceiling in fright, a polite voice unexpectedly replied to his question "Yes Mr. Parker. I can confirm that it is in fact 3 AM."

"Oh FRIDAY it's just you" he said in relief, crawling down the wall. "You remind me of Karen!" he said a bit sadly. He was going to miss Karen who was his confidant for all his spider-man related issues.

He had a secret hopeful voice whispering inside his head, that now he was in a tower full of superheroes, there were many who would understand his problems. However, the thought of their sharp words from earlier quickly extinguished that. He had put in all that effort to impress Mr. Stark but only succeeded in cementing the idea to all the Avengers that he was too young for all this.

"We both do have the same creator" replied FRIDAY. Peter fancied to himself that he heard a trace of pity in her voice and marvelled at the intricacies in her coding that Mr. Stark must have come up with to make her so perceptive.

Unfortunately, none of the avengers were as sympathetic to his plight. He was still fuming that they had taken away his suit and was determined (if wrongly) to bring it up again.

At this Peter slumped over to his table and thought he had better get started on the homework Dr. Banner told him to do. He knew he should be grateful that he was no longer being reprimanded by Mr. Stark, but he found that quite difficult now he was being stared in the face by his math textbook. His high hopes of working in the lab with Mr. Stark were quickly doused with the effect that only advanced calculus could have.

After about four hours of listlessly staring at his book and heavily writing down some problems he could no longer ignore his growling stomach.

Still unused to FRIDAY, he hesitated to ask her if he could even leave his room. However, once his stomach decided to imitate a whale call in its hunger, he felt a surge of anger. Avengers or not they couldn't confine him to his room like a toddler! His thoughts turned bitterly to the way they reprimanded him like a school child (which he was but that's beside the point) and he could feel the resentment toward Mr. Stark whirling around deep in his chest. He wasn't going to sit and wait timidly until they called him. Pushing open the door decidedly, he made his way into the corridor. He proceeded to roam the endless halls in wonder, breakfast forgotten until after numerous turns his super hearing picked up voices. He walked stealthily up to the door they were floating out of and saw most of the occupants of the tower strewn about the room.

Some of them obviously having just woken up, were nursing cups of coffee under heavily lidded eyes, while some (Steve and Sam) were in sweat soaked shirts having obviously been up for quite a while, and were at the helm in the kitchen.

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