Lost and Found [Part 3]

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[Third Person]

The Oscorp field trip would be fun, they said.

Nothing would go wrong, they said.

You'll enjoy it, they said.

Well, fuck Oscorp, fuck the spider that bit him and fuck them, well, don't. They're the closest people to him, if not, the only people to him.

Those people are Aunt May, Uncle Ben and Ned. Him and Ned made friends after the incident at the park. Turns out Ned had been an avid fan of the show.

That one pesky small spider bit near the base of his neck and caused him to deal with vomiting for the entirety of Monday. Aunt May and Uncle Ben were concerned but he's probably fine since it's already Friday.

He's taken to going to brawl matches and using his HYDRA gained skills and newly found spider powers to earn some money because he knows how tight money is with  Aunt May and Uncle Ben of the late.

(@_@;)This is Camila. She loves to talk about death cause she's seen too much and is a scene change. She secretly has a crush on Shawn but is scared that is she dates Shawn, he will die like the other people in her life.

"Hey, Peter, Honey, could you come to the living room real quick, Uncle Ben and I have something to talk to you about..." Aunt May shouted from somewhere outside his room, presumably the kitchen.

He does as he's told and sat down on the couch in the living room. Uncle Ben sits down on an armchair diagonal to him and fixes him with a stern look.

"So... Peter. You've been coming home from school late and disappearing randomly at night, do you have any idea how worrying it is for us? We sit out here, staying awake to wait for you to come home until we fall asleep. We would like to know what you're doing." Uncle Ben says.

"I'm not doing anything. I just need a breath of fresh air sometimes and get carried away, wondering outside."

"Pete, look, we understand you're a teenager and teenagers go through many different stages. We're just concerned for you because nowadays, there are some teenagers who are, you know?"


He stares blankly. No. He doesn't know what he means.

"What your uncle is saying is that we're concerned that you're smoking weed and getting high-" Aunt May explains

"What?! How could you!" He looks at them, mad and baffled. How could they! He thought they trusted him.

Guess not.

He run out the door and down the stairs as quickly as possible, ignoring Uncle Ben and Aunt May's shouts for him to go back as the first drops of rain hits his head.

I should've known. They picked me off the streets anyways.

The storm growls and the rain gets heavier. Seeing no other choice, he goes to the nearby grocery store.

He picks up a bottle Coca-Cola and checks the price. He might be a few cents short but maybe the check-out guy might take pity on him.

(゜o゜)This is Shawn. He likes Camilla but is to scared to tell her.

"Boy, if you do not have enough money than just don't buy the drink. I have sales to make!" The cashier says angrily.

Out if the blue, a guy wearing a burglar mask runs beside us and passes me the bottle of Coke and tell Peter to run off with him.

Peter take his advice and took off as fast as possible. He could've tripped the burglar and let him get caught but he's not feeling in a good mood to help the cashier.

The burglar runs off into a different direction that he doesn't continue to follow. He takes the long way home to minimize the amount of time he had to talk to his Aunt and Uncle.

Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot filled his ears and a scream from a voice he would never forget echoed down the streets.

He ran to Uncle Ben's side and looked him in the eye.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Please don't go." He mumbled while crying.

"Remember... With great power," Uncle Ben chokes out his last words. "Comes great responsibilities."

The screams of sorrow was all the followed.

He saw red.

He ran to the murderer and ripped of his mask.

The murderer was the robber.

He had let the robber go.

He let Uncle Ben die.

Blinded with rage, he started hunting down the man.

He cornered the man but then heard the cries of a woman from a nearby alley. He made a quick deduction and decided to save the lady instead of killing this man now.

I can't just go in like this. I need a mask.

He thought. He quickly found a big hoodie that covered his face before running and saving the woman.

"Thank-you so much... Um..." She trailed off.

"Spiderman." Peter replied. It was the first thing he could think of.

(Sorry for this being short.)

(What do you think so far?)

(I had to change some elements of the events to fit the story.)


The Parker family or what was left of the Parker family stood in the rain.

"I'm sorry Uncle Ben. I'm so so sorry."

Ever since Peter ran home with blood on his hands(literally), he had been crying and depressed.

He started being Spiderman so others will not have to feel the way he does.

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