Mama spider

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Just Nat and Pete bonding time.

And their friend Steve.


One day, Natasha was making her way to her room to sleep after a mission when she heard singing from the music room.

She made her way there and found Peter seated on their piano bench while playing and singing a beautiful Russian lullaby.

As he plays the final note, Natasha starts clapping. She was impressed. She didn't know that Peter could talk in Russian, let alone sing beautifully in it.

Peter looked up at her. Then something behind her.

Or rather, someone.


"Wow. Since when did you know Russian?" Natasha asks.

"Since I was 4."

"Why?" Steve asks.

"My parents were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that meant H.Y.D.R.A. was constantly trying to kidnap me as ransom. After some failed but noticed attempts, my parent although it would be a good idea to teach me so that I could understand their plan and break out of their grasp when their least expecting."

"Oh. Have you even been caught?"

"Nope. With the amount of security my parents installed, there was no way for them to enter without sounding an alarm."


"As interesting as it is, Steve, you should go back to your room." Natasha says.

"If you say so..." And Steve leaves.

"Маленький паук, я знаю, что это была ложь. Что случилось?" (Little spider,I know it was a lie. What happened? ) Nat asked in Russian, afraid of Steve still being able to hear.

"Mama паук, I'm fine. Steve can't hear us anymore." Pete replied.

Natasha noticed he was avoiding her question so she asked again, in English.

"What happened?"

"I got caught once and well... I managed to escape..." Peter said, his voice slightly quivering.

"Маленький паук, you can trust me."

"They tortured me... Made me watch people die... Made me almost... Kill someone..." Peter took in a shaky breath before continuing. "It feels like just yesterday I was stuck there... It... It was a living nightmare." Peter hurriedly wiped off his tears and smiled. "But I'm fine."

"Маленький паук, it's okay to not be fine. Sometimes I have bad days too." She says as she slips onto the seat.

Peter cuddled into Natasha's side and fell asleep.

When morning came, the other avengers decided to search for where they were and found them.

They didn't take pictures.

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