Replacement (Part 3)

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Sorry for making y'all wait. I sorta forgot about this and left it unfinished... For five months...

~Peter's P.O.V.~

Tony looked at Nick in shock.

"Me? I never did anything to abuse my precious child, Josh!" He replied.

"I'm talking about Peter." Nick says with a dark look.

"But he's a monster. He deserves to be abused."

Shouts of outrage came from Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky and Clint but all I could hear was my own heartbeat.

Tears slipped down my face as I ran to my room.

I slammed the door close, slid down against it and sobbed.

Why? Why doesn't Tony care about me anymore?

Outside, I heard the sound of guns and tasers.


I opened the door slightly and looked out.

Tony and Josh were being detained.

"Hey Маленький паук, it's okay." Natasha told me from outside the door.

"They better be sent to the raft!" Shouts Clint.

The raft. The place they had been sent to before the accords were fixed. It was a sensitive topic for Clint so why did he shout it out?

Why did they care so much about me? I just a useless weakling to them.

"Thump!" A sound of something heavy dropping.

I look over and see that there were two agents who tazered Tony and Josh.

"Take the two of them to the raft like what Clint said. It'd be best of is to investigate and get answers from them when we are at a secure place." Nick orders.

The two agents swiftly pick up their bodies and put them in a truck.

(This is where I stopped so you might notice a change of style in writing/thought process)

"Маленький паук, it's okay, the agents have sent them away. They won't bother you ever again, I promise." Natasha comforted me while guiding me out my room from where I was sitting.

I stood up on my wobbly legs and looked at the floor. I was ashamed and scared. Of what? I don't really know either.

From my peripheral vision, I see Wanda, Steve, Bucky and Clint looking at me sympathetically.

Natasha continued holding my in her embrace as Nick starts to talk.

"Hey Pete, you okay?" He asked softly.

I softly replied with a, "Yes."

"Remember Pete, we're with you till the end of the line." Bucky gently said.

"Yeah." The rest agreed.

"Anyways, now that that's over. Peter, you can move back into the tower as and when you like." Says a previously absent Pepper who scared the shit out of everyone.

Like, what's with that? First Nick, now Pepper?!

"Ye-Yeah... Sure..." I quietly reply.

(For all y'all peeps who wanted this, here.)

Meanwhile, Tony and Josh were being beaten up cruelly.

Tony had blood seeping from every corner of his body. It's a wonder how he hasn't fainted yet.

Josh wasn't doing much better, there were bullet wounds on his legs and body.

The thing is, they're weren't beaten up by the guards, they were beaten up by fangirls. How they managed to achieve something like this, I will never know.

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