1. a new beginning

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  "Rosemarys School For Extraordinary Teens" the sign reads as we turn onto a long winding road that appears to go deep into the mountains. According to my mom this is a school for people like me although when I googled this place nothing came up. since mom took my phone and won't let me bring it I have this sneaking suspicion it's either a boarding school or an insane asylum. They say grandma had the same power as me and she went to this school but there is no evidence of that and it kinda scares me.

  Back at home I was just about to enter into the 12th grade when I was in an accident a week before school started. I was walking with my friend home from a party when a vehicle hit me at 70 kmh as I was crossing the street, I flew 20 ft into another car. I literally walked away without a scratch, the doctors called it a medical miracle but when my mom found out she wasn't even surprised. That night she said she wanted to test something and slid a knife along my hand and the skin wouldn't break but this isn't even something new to me, I assumed I just had thick skin when other kids would get cuts and bruises. I guess not.

  "Why is this school so deep in the woods" I ask my mother who is sitting upfront reading a map.

  "It's a secret high school for special kids like you, I already told you this Mary" she says without lifting her gaze from the map in her hands.

"So its a school for kids who don't die"

   "Not exactly, other kids will have other powers" my dad says from the drivers seat as he looks into the rear view mirror back at me.

  "Like what?" I ask leaning forward.

"Well we didn't go to the school how would we know? Grandma always said she wasn't aloud to talk about it but there where kids with powers" my mom says then points to my father on the map that the school should just be up around the next bend.

  "What was grandmas power?" I ask while looking out all the windows waiting to see the first glimpse of this hidden school.

  "Grandma was like you she couldn't die from external forces, nothing could kill her except old age" my mom says while also looking around.

  "So why do I have to go to a school for that?"

  "They will teach you more about your power and you could also have other powers we still don't know about, here they will help you figure everything out" she says smiling when suddenly the trees cut off and a huge clearing opens up and a massive old brick school appears up on the hill and beside the massive School is a huge river that wraps around the neighbouring mountains across the water.  The whole school has this massive brick fence that surrounds the grounds and even into the tree line. 

   Dad keeps driving and turns into the opening and goes up to the big gates before coming to a stop.

     As we wait at this big gate I look up to the massive school and I see kids walking everywhere in the fields and down the hill. As I look towards the road that leads directly to the school I see a car approaching us.

  "Come on" dad says as he gets out of the vehicle and me and mother follow suit. The vehicle stops on the other side of the gate and a woman in all black exits the vehicle and as she walks towards us the gate opens.

  "Why hello,What brings you to Rosemarys School for extraordinary Teens?" The older lady says as she walks up and shakes our hands.

  "This is our daughter, Mary. She has discovered she is gifted like her grandmother who also attended this school" my mother says looking at me.

  "Athiena" the old lady says as she extends her arm and as I go to shake it she grips my hand and doesn't let go.

  "Mary" I say confused and waiting for her to end this introduction.

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