11. the party

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I look down at the clock on the dash as we pull off the main road onto an old dirt road that leads into the mountains, 10:37 pm.

"Are you sure you know where we are going?" I ask Olivia as she drives deeper and deeper onto this dark winding road. I continually scan out all the windows completely freaked out.

"Yah my phone says it's at the end of this road" she says also scanning the sides of the road as we drive. I immediately lock the doors, Completely spooked out.

We make one final turn on this winding road and I can see lights coming from behind the trees in the distance, that's a good sign. The further we drive the more I can start to hear the blasting music and I can finally relax. It's okay.

We pull up to this massive mansion that's tightly built in the forest. There has to be at least 4 stories with wide open glass windows everywhere, showing off all the people inside. At least it isn't a sketchy party and lots of people are here.

Olivia parks the car behind this long line of cars pulled over to the side of the road and we get out and walk together through the cold, up to the house.

Immediately after entering we are greeted by a crowded room full of people drinking and socializing as music blasts through the ceiling speakers. I start looking around and most of the girls are wearing pants and crop tops and I start to feel self conscious that I allowed Olivia and Emily to convince me to wear a red mini skirt and black crop top, showing off way more skin than I now feel comfortable with.

Olivia leads us towards the stairs and we go up to the second level that opens to a kitchen and a living room off to the right. We squeeze through the crowd of people and Emily starts pouring drinks into cups with Olivia as I scan the crowd. I've never met any of these people before, how did Olivia even get invited to this?

"Hey how did you get an invite to this?" I yell over the music to Olivia as she finishes pouring my cup and hands it to me.

"What?" She screams back

"How did you get invited to this?" I yell in her ear and she nods then scans the room.

"He invited me on instagram, said I could bring a plus 2" she says pointing to some guy on the other side of the room standing with a group of friends, my heart immediately drops.

He then turns around and sees me and immediately starts walking through the crowd towards us. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Just as I'm about to make a run for it he's standing beside me. Shit.

"Couldn't stay away?" He says smirking

"Funny" I say and just as I'm about to turn away and leave, Olivia and Emily see Dawson and jumps in.

"Hey stranger, this is such a great party" Olivia yells to Dawson and he puts out his hand and introduces himself to them.

"This is Mary" Olivia says introducing me.

"Yes, we are good friends actually" he says and Olivia looks at me weird.

"He goes to school with me, I wouldn't say we are that good of fri-" I start but Emily cuts me off

"Is this the guy?" She asks very loudly and I immediately blush in embarrassment. Fucking great. Perfect. He's RIGHT THERE.

I say no immediately but Dawson just grins at me.

"I'm going to leave" I say to Olivia and start cutting through the crowd down to the first level. I can feel Dawson following closely behind me. Just leave me alone.

"Why are you leaving" he asks from behind me as we get outside and I turn back to him.

"You did this on purpose! This is your party!" I say and he grins.

"And?" He asks trying to act innocent

"Why am I Here? What do you want?"

"We are friends and I knew you wouldn't have came if I invited you" he says walking closer towards me.

"Maybe it's a sign that we aren't friends" I say starting to freeze as we stand out here in the dark.

"Come on let's go inside" he says and I refuse. I just want to leave. It's getting really annoying that he won't just leave me alone. He just looks out into the dark and clenches his jaw then looks down at the ground then back up to me.

"I normally wouldn't say anything and spare you the embarrassment but it's getting really annoying that you won't even be friends with me because you're scared I'll hear you thinking about having sex with me or some shit, I get that you don't want to sleep with me again and I won't try anything because I respect you but let's just face it you think about me like that and it's not a big deal to me because I think about you the same way. We can still be friends even if I hear you think about me like that. Just please stop this" he says and I don't even know what to say. A moment of silence passes by before I can even think of how to respond.

"Why do you even want to be friends with me?"

"we are a lot more alike than you are willing to admit" he says calmly

A moment passes and I can see his eyes lower down to my chest for a split second then he adjusts his pants. When I look down my nipples are pressing against my shirt, it's so fuckin cold out here.

"Dawson!" I yell and hit him. "What where we just talking about"

"Can we just go inside it's fuckin cold out here, it's not my fault you know you turn me on I can't help it" he says in defence.

"Do you know how humiliating it is knowing you can hear what I think, because it's humiliating" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"What am I supposed to do about that? What do you want to know what I'm thinking? Is that somehow less humiliating for you because if you will finally drop it and stop avoiding me I'll tell you" he says moving closer towards me.

"Be my guest, you have no clue how annoying it is"

"Alright, every time you say my name I remember how you called my name while digging your nails into back and I get turned on. Every time you stare at me when you think I don't notice I soak that shit up because I love the way you look at me and the shit I hear you think about gets me going. Every tim-"

"Alright" I say cutting him off. For some reason this felt wrong but also was starting to turn me on so I needed to stop it before he got into more and more detail.

"Are we good?" he says eager to go back inside.

"Yes" I say and walk past him back inside.

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