43. final stretch

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Dawson POV

     I slide my hands under my thighs and sit on them, if I don't my fingers will start to bleed I've picked at them so much out of anticipation. Everything could go wrong. Everything. And even if everything goes right I don't know who's going to be in there and wether they can get in my mind, if they can it's over.

  "It's rare" suddenly my father speaks up from beside me on the wooden bench outside of the GCOP court room. "Extremely rare, it's why they want us to work for them" he says. He's talking about our mind reading trait and he's right but you never know.

  It's weird to think I could be sitting in the exact same spot waiting to do the exact same thing my grandfather was so many years ago. Well maybe not exactly the same.

  "Mr Adams" a woman says coming out from the court room doors. "Ms Parker" she then says reading off of a piece of paper. I stand from my bench and she follows suit from across the hall.

  "Follow me" the lady says before walking back into the court room. My father follows us in as we both go to our separate seats and sit waiting for further instruction. I can feel the change in atmosphere here immediately. I scan the long desk infront of us with 2 older judges and a slightly younger female judge sitting around it staring at us. Their minds are blank. Fuck. My powers are completely useless in here, figured.

  "Hello Mary Parker and Dawson Adams. welcome to the GCOP court room, my name is Judge Thompson and this is Judge Brown and Judge Wade. I think it should be fairly obvious to both of you why you have been brought here today but incase it isn't let's revise" the woman says before pulling out a sheet of paper as she begins reading.

  "Mr Adams you are an extremely powerful individual from a very strong family line, quite possibly one of strongest in the western world" she starts. "While there is nothing wrong with that your family and extended family has been suspected to have been breeding traits for many generations, giving us a few red flags. In fact your grandfather sought out Ms Parker's Grandmother with the exact same power as Ms Parker. You should both be aware that Ms Parker's gift is extremely dangerous to our kind especially bread into such a powerful family line" she says staring directly at me as if I'm guilty of something. I didn't know Mary's power was that sought after before knowing her, it wasn't tell she met my father that I really had any idea at all.

  "Mrs Parker" she then starts and looks over to her. "Due to your power being so extraordinary we must first ask before this hearing even gets going if there is any chance you and Mr Adams would be willing to break your relationship off permanently for the sake of humanity essentially" she asks. What kinda fucking joke are they running here, as if.

  "I love him" she says sitting up in her chair. Those words coming from her mouth make me cringe but I don't let anything show.

  "We will continue then" she says flipping her page.

  "Mr Adams we will start with you, do you love this woman aswel?" She says and everyone looks in my direction.

  "Yes" lie.

  "Do you see a future with this young woman? Children?" She asks examining me closely. I don't know her power and it scares me.

  "I don't know ma'am"

  "Ms Parker?" She asks

  "He's my soulmate, yes" she says and my ears bleed.

  "I'm going to get right to the point and stop wasting all of our time with these pointless routine questions, unfortunately without some concrete reassurance we are obligated to end this relationship and put you both on a watch list, I'm sor-"

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