37. conact

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Dawson closes his door behind us as I cross the room and lay down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. I feel his hand slide up my legs to my waist before he rest his fist down on either side of my face, holding himself up overtop of me.

He lowers himself without a word before kissing me softly. I feel as he lowers his hand and grabs the hem of my shirt before sliding it up and over my head, throwing it on the floor. Well he's wasting absolutely no time.

I reach my hands up before grabbing the neck of his shirt and sliding it off too. I love doing it, there's something about running my hands along his body that I really really enjoy.

I throw his shirt down on the ground beside mine before resting my hands against his stomach and he immediately flinches and sucks in.

"Fuck, your hands are cold" he says and I can't help but smile before pressing my hands up against him again.

I feel him slide his hands around to my back before undoing my strap and sliding my bra down my arms and off. He starts to kiss my jaw then slowly down to my chest before kissing my left breast while squeezing the other as I run my hands through his hair. I feel as he slowly moves both his hands down my side before undoing my button and zipper before sliding off my jeans aswell. I feel as he starts to kiss on my ribs before hitting my stomach as he hooks his fingers along my underwear before sliding them off too. He's so close I start to get really nervous and I didn't notice it but I was completely sucking in not breathing. Oh shit.

"Are you scared?" He says lifting his head looking up at me

"No ones ever.. I just.." I start but can't manage to finish my sentence. "Just do it" I say covering my face so he can't see me when suddenly I feel him down there, I really feel him down there. I sort of shoot forward slightly grabbing his hair with my hand as I immediately start to arch my back. I feel as he slides his hands up and around my thighs, holding me securely in place as he continues harder. He definitely knows what he's doing right now and I can help but moan and keep moving my hips in small circles as he continues.

He holds me tighter in place as I start to build and find myself really moving my hips when suddenly I climax and I lift my ass up off the bed and he just moves with me, continuing as Im squirming and moaning. I don't want him to stop but I need him to, I can barely take it. He then stops after a few more seconds and lowers my ass back down onto the bed as I continue to twitch while he grins. He slowly moves back up the bed before kissing me again.

"Shit" I moan against his mouth and I can feel him smile.

I start to run my hands down his torso when I hit his belt and begin to undo it slowly. I then undo his button and zipper before sliding my hand in and grabbing him as he's already very hard.

I begin to stroke him in his pants as he kisses me when there is a knock at the door. Fuck. Dawson immediately breaks away and stands before throwing me his shirt off the floor. I pull it on over top of myself before running across the room and crouching in the corner behind his desk. He fixes his belt and pants quick, readjusting himself before opening the door with no shirt on.

"You forgot to submit your count sheet" I hear some older lady say. "I can take it from you now" she says and Dawson walks back across his room and grabs something off the desk before walking back to the door, I'm assuming handing it to her.

Seconds later I hear the door close before I stand and move my way out from the corner, my heart still racing. I look over at him as leans up against the door looking over at me.

"You scared the shit out of me and managed to kill the mood because of paper work" I say shaking my head as he grins

"Shut up" he says playfully as he leans off the door and walks over to the bed.

  "Get your ass back over here" he says almost demandingly and it really turns me on. I quickly move around his bed and stand infront of him as he looks down at me.

  "Take the shirt off" he says and now I'm wet. Jesus okay so I love him telling me what to do. I immediately slip out of it before dropping it on the floor and he grins. No doubt in my mind he knows I like him doing this.

  "Knees" he says and I kneel down onto my knees and I'm already scared. Oh god. I've never done this before. Oh god.

  "You know what to do" he says and I hesitate a moment before reaching up and undoing his belt again. Oh god.

  I slowly slide his pants down and he step out of them before kicking them into the corner, leaving himself completely naked infront of me.

   I slowly grab him before just going all in. I don't know what I'm doing but there's only one way to learn, I hope I'm not horrible.

  I realize very quickly that I can only get about half in. Fuck oh god. I feel as he runs his hands through my hair before slowly directing me. I can hear him start to faintly moan when he suddenly pulls me away and lifts me off the ground before throwing me down on his bed before grabbing a condom and ripping open the package before sliding it on and entering me. Oh fuckk. He stands to move inside me before catching a rhythm and sticking to it.

   I don't know why but I grab his shoulder and push him onto his back before climbing on top as he grins like mad.

  I very slowly ride him, only now just realizing he hasn't been completely inside me all this time like I thought. Fuck.

   I stay there riding him until I can really feel it start to build inside me when he quickly flips us back taking charge again. He kisses me while he speeds up and keeps a consistent rhythm and in no time I'm reaching and squirming beneath he while he quickly finishes just after me.

   "I told you it would be worth the wait" he grins before moving off of me and laying down beside me on the bed.

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