21. impenetrable

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The room felt cold. Very cold. I tightened my grip on Dawson's hand and he moved suddenly putting his body between me and Tucker. Can Tucker read minds like dawson?

"Should have kept to yourself" Tucker suddenly says. What the hell is happening.

"Tucker?" Suddenly Mrs Harper asks as she shuts the door behind her.

"I'm thinking you should have to" Dawson finally speaks up. My heart is racing and I'm shaking like a leaf but not dawson, he's still..

"We're gunna go on a walk darling" Tucker suddenly says to his wife and a moment later Tucker starts to walk towards us and Dawson move us over to the door before exiting, followed by Tucker.

"Over there" Tucker says and we walk in the direction towards the tree line with him, why is Dawson just following his orders? It's just not like him there must be something wrong.

We all walked in silence deeper into the forest before Tucker spoke up stating we had gone far enough.

"Why did you do it" Dawson finally asks turning around while once again positioning himself between me and Tucker. When I look down I notice Tucker is holding a gun?! Fuck. Okay.

"It went wrong, it wasn't suppose to end that way" he says almost regretful. "My wife wanted to speak to our son. Foster knew how to help"

"Yah? So how did he end up dead?" Dawson asks fearlessly.

"He knew things he wasn't suppose to.. a little like you now" Tucker says before I hear the gun click, fuck he's gunna shoot us.

"I'm sorry" I hear Tucker say before he lifts the gun and all I hear suddenly is a bang. Oh fuck.

Dawson frantically turns himself towards me as the bullet hit him but he doesn't fall to the ground? suddenly the gun bangs again and this time there is a sharp heavy pressure in my side but when I look down there is nothing. I look up at Dawson and I can see the confused look on his face when suddenly the lightbulb clicks.

He then lifts our intertwined hands up and stares at it a moment.

"You're impenetrable" he grins. Yah but he's not?

Suddenly it clicks. Oh fuck. I can protect other people too by touching them?!

"What the" Tucker says and I quickly shift my attention back to the threat at hand.

Suddenly Tucker shoots again but Dawson doesn't fall.

Dawson then starts to drag me behind himself as we quickly cross the gap towards Tucker. I can see fear wash over his face for a second before firing the gun again backing away from Dawson as he quickly closes the gap between us.

   At the last moment Dawson lets go of my hand and punches Tucker in the face so hard he immediately hits the ground. I lunge for his gun and quickly remove it from his hand while Dawson continues to beat the shit out of him.

  I suddenly hear foot steps and when I look up Athiena and the detective are running towards us through the trees, they must have heard the gun shots.

  "STOP" Athiena yells as she gets within range but Dawson doesn't stop, he gets worse. I look at Tucker's face and it's a bloody mess.

  I watch as Athiena grabs Dawson and drags him off Tucker's groaning bloody body.

  "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" she yells before freezing when she sees me holding the gun.

   "I knew it" she says under her breath staring at me, she thinks I'm the killer?! I immediately drop the gun infront of me in the grass.

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