6. the body

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  I get up off the bed and open the door to Oliver standing with a clipboard.

  "Oliver?" I ask as he looks up from his clip board at me. Suddenly Dawson comes and stands behind me in the door frame.

  "Why are you here?" Oliver asks Dawson.

  "Wouldn't you like to know" he says smirking.

  "We are under lock down" Oliver says then checks something off on his clipboard. "Don't abuse your freedoms Dawson" he says before moving away from the door.

  "What did you want" I ask stepping out of my room towards Oliver and he stops and turns to me.

  "Head count" he says holding up the clipboard then moving to the next room.

  When I enter back into my room Dawson is laying on my bed looking through Erin's art book.

  "What was he thinking?" I ask sitting on the end of the bed.

  "Why?" He says shifting his attention over to me.

  "He seemed upset"

"He was" he says going back to looking at Erin's art.


"I don't know what impression you got from me but I don't share people's personal thoughts with everyone, just because I hear it doesn't mean everyone needs to know"

"You humiliated Erin like 30 minuets ago Dawson that's bullshit"

  "That was me confronting her about her irrational fear of my power, she's so scared I will hear something and tell everyone and like I said I don't do that"

  "You told me what she was thinking"

  "And what are you gunna do with that information? You gunna tell the whole school? No? Didn't think so" Dawson says sitting up from the bed and placing Erin's art book back on her bed before heading to the door.

  "Where are you going"

"I have to go take a head count, tell Erin she can chill the fuck out" he says before shutting the door and leaving me alone.

   Almost a half an hour later Erin finally comes back and immediately crawls into her bed and covers herself with her blankets.

  "Are you okay?" I say sitting up from my bed, facing her.


"I won't tell anyone that you like Oliver, it will stay between us" I say and she rolls over and looks at me with tears in her eyes.

  "I don't even like Oliver" she says wiping a tear away

   "It's oka-" I start but she cuts me off

  "I like Dawson" she says sitting up. "He said Oliver because you where here but I knew by the way he said it he meant himself"

  "You like Dawson?" I ask now confused and for some reason I feel guilty. He lied so that I wouldn't know Erin's secret?

  "Yah, I know you slept with him and kind of have a thing going on, it's fine it not like he would go for me anyways, I've probably scared him off beyond redemption, I just think he's hot but I wish he didn't know that"

  "Do you want me to stop talking to him?"

  "No I wouldn't ask you to do that"

  "If it makes you uncomfortable I'll stop, it doesn't really matter he just keeps showing up it's not like we are friends"

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