19. completly out of left field

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I look down the hall way leading to A and B wing then across the hall the other way to C and D wing. Do I fix it? Is it worth it? Did I even do anything that wrong? I don't think so? Maybe I'm lying to myself.

  I go right against my better judgment to just leave him alone but this is ridiculous. First I'm mad and ignoring him and now he's mad and ignoring me, this really is high school I guess.

  I make it all the way to Dawson's door and find myself standing here, unable to knock. There's a good chance he already knows I'm here. That or he's already gone down for supper. Fuck. Okay.

  I knock.

A few long moments pass and just as I'm sure he won't answer he opens the door. 

  "What" he says as he stands in the doorframe with just his sweats on, he must have been in bed.

  "Can we talk"

"Probably better if we don't"

  "Who is that better for? Now we're not even talking?"

  A moment passes before he stands to the side letting me in. I walk over and sit on the end of his bed and watch him as he shuts the door and stands across the room waiting for me to talk, or at least think about why I'm here, I'm sure he's listening.

  "I'm sorry if what I said yesterday was crossing some line with you" I say after taking a deep breath.

  "It didn't" he says now leaning up against his door

  "It clearly did" I say almost blown away that he's really just gunna act like that didn't happen, it's the reason he's mad at me?

  "It didnt" he says again

  "Fine, sure, if it wasn't that then what's the issue, why did you leave" I say confused and slightly annoyed he can't just admit it, typical.

  "I shouldn't have left, you didn't deserve that  just.."

  "Just what" I say after he goes Silent again

  "What if the truth is worse than that" he says and now I'm really confused.

  "Worse than your commitment issues?" I say standing up, what the hell is he saying?

  "I don't have commitment issues, I like you I just can't be-"

  "Be with me? Why?do you understand how frustrating this is, you tell me we can't see each other but then you always flirt with me anyways?" I say moving closer to him.

  "Because" he says getting frustrated

  "Because why?" I say now getting annoyed and pushing for an answer. "Dawson! Why?!" I almost yell.

"I can't-" he starts

"Why can't you just tell me?!" I cut him off

  "I'm in an arranged marriage!" he says almost shouting back in frustration.


A long, cold silence passes through the room before he starts talking again.

  "I haven't told anyone and I was planning on keeping it that way" he says now calming down. I back away from him and sit back down on the bed. That's the reason? That's why he doesn't date ? That's why all he wants is to just mess around? Is that why he broke up with Bailey too? What the fuck.

  "I'm sorry" he says moving closer towards me.

  "Why? Why are you in an arranged marriage?" I say finally looking up at him

  "My whole family always has been, it's to breed our traits, to stay strong" he says crouching down in front of me.

  "That's fucked" I say and his lip twitched in amusement?

  "I know, but I don't have a say"

  "You always have a say" I say confused. "Who are you marrying??"

  "Does it really matter?" he says as if I'll just forget about it.

"Yes, tell me" I say pushing for answers

"Natalie Willson" he says looking down.

  Natalie?  Fucking Natalie of all people.

  "Wait, is that why tyler got you to kiss her, does he know?"

  "Yes, it's Natalie's best friend of course she told him"

  "What does Natalie have that's so important?" 

"Her traits aren't what's important, it's that she has lots of them, just because I have certain traits or she does doesn't mean our kids will have them, it will just mean that they have lot of strong traits"

  "I have the same trait as my grandma" I say confused

  "certain traits can run in family's, like my atmosphere trait, that's been passed down too, but yours seems to skip a generation"

  "So the one friend I've made here other than Erin is set to marry you? Fucking perfect" I say completely blown away at how big of a cosmic fuck you this is from the universe.

   "That doesn't mean we can't hang out or mess around, you just can't.." he stops, thinking more carefully about his words

"Can't what?" I say looking at him confused

"Get attached" he says looking down. Get attached? Really.

"So what was the point of all this than? Why are you inviting me to your house parties and fighting Daren and having sex with me?! Why did you do that? Why wouldn't you just go fuck Natalie?!"

"Because I don't want Natalie"

"Because you don't want Natalie?" I start laughing. "So you fuck with my emotions and get me involved in a murder trial because you don't want to mess around with your future wife?! News flash your going to be banging her when your married Dawson"

"I didn't get you involved in a murder trial" he says looking at me confused.

"YOU DIDNT WAKE ME UP!" I yell at him now frustrated.

"Your still holding on to that?! Seriously?" He says confused.

"You know they came back and questioned me again? We're still suspects, any day now there gunna come and arrest me for something I didn't do, I know it" I say getting frustrated

  "There not going to arrest you" he says trying to calm me down

  "Why wouldn't they?!" I say now just pacing

  "Because they are going to arrest me" he says and I stop and turn to him. What?

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