10. home

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It's been weeks since I've talked to Dawson. He's tried approaching me many times but I ignore him, it's better if we just don't hang out. Save myself the humiliation, I already know we can't be just friends.

Today Thanks Giving long weekend starts and I packed everything I needed last night and I'm now currently carrying all of my stuff down the stairwell to the main foyer where I can then walk down the ridiculously long drive up from the school to the fence where I can meet up with my parents.

Because my parents both don't have powers they aren't permitted on the grounds so all the kids parents who are can come right up to the door and pick them up. The only time a normal person is aloud on the property is if it's a police or emergency vehicle.

I exit out the main doors and start trudging down the hill as I carry my heavy bag with all my essentials. As I'm about half way down the hill I feel a hand grab my bag from my hand and as I'm about to turn and attack the thief I see Dawson.

"What are you doing? Can I please just have my bag back?" I say stopping and turning to him.

"Come on I'll carry it for you, it's heavy" he says then starts walking down the hill ahead of me.

"Why are you doing this?" I say catching up to him. He doesn't answer. Perfect.

"You've been avoiding me, this is the first time you've talked to me in weeks" he says continuing down the hill towards the gates.

"I have my reasons" I say as I go to grab my bag out of his hand but he quickly moves his hand away. Obviously reading my thoughts because he didn't even see me do it.

"Stupid reasons" he says as we make it to the open gate and walk off the property towards the street where cars are pulled over to the shoulder on both sides of the street. Obviously parents waiting for their kids just as mine are.

"Which one" Dawson says looking both directions down the street. I scan the cars and see my dads car down the street a ways and he immediately reads my mind and starts walking towards it.

"This isn't necessary, I can take it from here" I say quickly grabbing his hand and stopping him in the middle of the road before he can make it to my dads car. I see my dad get out of the car and my mom follows suit in my peripherals. Shit.

"What you don't want me to meet them?" He says grinning then looking back at my parents then back to me.

"Please" I beg him.

"Give me your number and I won't" he says and pulls out his phone from his back pocket.

"Why do you want it? What does it matter? I don't understand you why can't you go bug some other girl, I'm sure almost all of them want to sleep with you. What is it the chase I don't understand?" I say immediately, what the hell is with him?

He starts turning to walk towards my parents and I immediately pull him back and take his phone, quickly putting my number in his phone. He then takes his phone back then hands me my bag then smiles and walks away, back towards the school. Asshole.

"Who was that" my dad asks as I make my way to the car and hug both of them.

"No one" I say opening the back seat door and putting my bag on the seat.

"Pretty cute 'no one' Mary" my mom says smiling.

We drive an hour back home and I immediately go up to my room and grab my phone and lay in my bed with my cat, Sophie.

I turn on my phone and immediately I get a text notification from an hour ago from an unknown number, definitely blocking him.

When I open it it says *Block me and when we get back to school you'll regret it* what the fuck.

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