36. back to it

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The rest of the night went fine, I met a few more people from Dawson's extended family and had a few more glasses of wine.  eventually everyone left and Dawson walked me back to his room where I effectively passed out in the middle of his bed.

   When the morning eventually did come around I forced Dawson to shut the curtains and sleep in tell at least noon, there was no way I could function before that. Once I finally did get the energy to wake up I realized I had to drive an entire hour back home and sluggishly pulled myself together and forced myself to get in my car and make the trek. It wasn't all bad thought because when I eventually did make it home I was finally wide awake and went out with Olivia and Emily for supper at Antonio's Pizza.

  Before I knew it the day I've been dreading since Monday has made it's way here and I cant believe it, back on Monday when this week started off it felt like Sunday was forever away.

  "Some time today?" Dad yells up the stairs as he waits by the door with my bags. I do one final sweep of my room before heading back down and out to the car back to Rosemary's.

  I sat in the back listening to music, staring out the window the entire way.

  "Here we are" Dad says pulling up along side the gate. It's a foggy day, it feels like I should be going to a funeral or something, how fitting.

  We all got out and said our goodbyes before dad went around to the back and got my bags before handing them to me and sending me on my way back up the hill in the snow. It's starting to get old, I wish they could just drop me off outfront.

  I come up the hill and in through the entrance to be immediately greeted by hundreds of kids shuffling around settling back in aswell.

  I make my way through a few crowds of people before climbing the stairs and making my way back to A wing.

   I open my door to find Erin has already came back and settled it

  "Hey you" she says smiling as I shut the door behind myself

  "Hey" I smile setting my bag down on my bed

"How was your week?" I ask

  "Fine, watched a lot of TV and drew, not much what about you?"

  "Uhm.." how does one start. "I met Dawson's family" I say leaning up against my bed

  "Oh my god, spill" she says smiling "no one knows barely anything about him and his family he's so damn secretive"

  "He has a younger sister, she's very powerful, possibly even more than Dawson I think" I say not really wanting to say too much tho, just incase she is like Dawson and doesn't want people to know.

  "No Way" she say astonished

Suddenly there is a knock at the doors and when I open it, it is Dawson of course.

  "Hey" he says and I leave the door open before walking back over to my bed and sitting down, as he closes the door behind him.

  "Hey" I say looking over at him. There is a moment of silence when suddenly Erin hops off her bed and starts for the door.

  "I'm gunna just-" she trails off before leaving the room and shutting the door. Alrighty then.

  "She felt like she had to give us privacy" he says coming around and standing at my feet dangling off the bed

  "What's up?" I say looking at him

  "There's something different, I find it very difficult to hear the teachers and head councillors thoughts, I need to be basically in the same room as them now, something changed they have to have some kind of spell or something put on the school again after what happened"

  "That's weird? Why would they do that?" I say confused. That's very sketchy how it's like they are specifically targeting Dawson's powers.

  "I don't know, and now it will be even harder to tell" he says

  "Well, I have to go do count for my wing, I'm sure Oliver will be around here soon. Honestly still surprised he wasn't involved with Foster" he says looking out my window at the clouds then back at me

  "Okay" I say before reaching out my hand and grabbing his shirt, pulling him down towards me. He rest his fist on the bed holding himself up as he starts to kiss me. He pulls away after a few seconds and walk over towards the door.

  "I'm still a wing captain so if your ever feeling like not sleeping alone you know where I am" he says and I smile as he closes the door to leave. I wish he would've stayed longer.

He was right though, not long after that Oliver came around and did a head count. I spent the rest of the day unpacking and talking with Erin when it was finally supper and everyone made there way down to the mess hall.

As I'm walking into the hall I feel an arm rest on the small of my back before sliding around to my side, I already know it's him.

"You going to come sit with the losers" I say and he grins before walking me over towards D wing table and my heart starts racing. Oh god.

"Dawson I can't, I sit with Erin" I say slowing down

"She will be fine for one meal" he says before continuing us along before sitting us down across from Natalie and Tyler? Well I guess it's not that bad. Since when did the detention group become real friends though? Never saw this coming out of detention of all things.

"Hey pal" Natalie says as I sit down

"Hi" I say and she smiles

The supper starts to commence when suddenly Athiena starts talking into the mic at the front of the room gathering everyone attention.

"Hello, welcome back all staff and students of Rosemary's. There has been a lot of talk and speculation about what led to this past weeks shut down and I am here to clarify. The suspect that was found to have been involved with Foster Keaton was discovered and removed. School will carry on from this point forward just as normal, if anyone has any questions they are welcome to come and find either me or one of our staff to help them, thank you" she says before walking back to her seat as the hall erupts in whispers.

"They are going to talk to us again I already know it" Dawson says and I turn back to him and he's just scanning all of the teachers, probably reading there minds seems he's in proximity now.

We finished up eating when Dawson continued to rest his hand against my side and leads me up to D wing and back to his room, I'm starting to get the feeling he just doesn't want to sleep alone. Either way I was going to end up here tonight, it was a givin.

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