31. connecting the dots

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"What" I say looking at him confused sitting up on the bed

"My Grandfathers name was Clayton" he says and so many emotions start to hit me all at once.

"What was your Grandmothers name?" I ask immediately, I don't even know what to think I'm so confused.

"Irene" he says

OH MY ACTUALY FUCKING GOD. HOW IN THE HELL. my mind is completely blown. My grandma and Dawson's grandfather dated?!

"What?" Dawson says sitting up looking at me confused. "What do you mean they dated?!" He says with just as confused of a look on his face.

"I don't know I'm freaking out" I say getting off the bed and pacing. How does this even happen?! Wait is that weird that I'm dating my grandmas ex boyfriends grandson?! My head hurts

"Wait seriously?!" He says and I walk back over to him and grab the book before flipping to the last entry before reading it out.

"Today will be my last day at Rosemary's, it's heartbreaking to know I will never be around so many individuals like ourselves ever again. Its my last day and all I can think about is how I hope Clayton wasn't the one, it's slowly becoming my biggest fear but I'm only 17, maybe in another life things would be different, I can't help but feel I'm making a mistake but it's time to look to my future now. I'm terrified but today is the first day to the rest of my life"

"That's tripping me out" Dawson says just as mind blown before grabbing the book from my hands

"Maybe in another life things would be different" he reads out again. "That's tripping me the fuck out Mary" he says

"It's freaking me out too" I say just as confused.

"Why does it feel like the universe is pulling our family's together" he says

"That's really weird" I say before sitting down beside him on the bed.

"You know what this means" he says looking at me


"If we don't get together our grandkids will" he says and grins

I shove him and roll my eyes.

"Is your grandpa still.." I ask

"No" he says answering my unfinished question. That sucks that both of them are gone and we can't even ask them about it.

"What if they weren't meant to get together so that we could" I say just theorizing nonsense at this point. He looks over at me but doesn't say anything. It's moment like these I wish I could be in his head.

"What's happening in here" mom says with a smile on her face as she knocks on the open door. The game must be over.

"Just going through Grandmas diary" I say looking up at her

"Find anything interesting" she asks sitting beside me on the bed. She's really being a hawk parent lately. I really didn't think she was one of these moms but I can't say I'm too surprised, I am her only child.

"Uhm kinda" I say looking over at Dawson but his face give away nothing? Should I tell my mom about it?

"I think Grandma dated Dawson's Grandfather" I say and she just has a confused look on her face.

"What?" She asks confused

"She dated a guy named Clayton at Rosemary's and Dawson's grandfathers name is Clayton" I say

"Might be a different Clayton" she says looking down at the book before grabbing it out of my hands

"She talks about Clayton and Irene and Dawson's grandmothers name is Irene" I say flipping through the pages trying to find where Irene is mentioned

"My grandmother, his first wife was Irene" Dawson says

"His first wife?" I stop flipping through the book and looking up at him

"He remarried" Dawson's says simply

"My grandmother divorced too" I say, maybe I'm reading WAY to far into this but that's really really weird. Dawson looks at me strange but doesn't say anything but I know he heard my train of thought. What if they really where soul mates and realized that later in life and both got divorced? What if it's history repeating itself and if me and Dawson don't stay together well realize we made a mistake later in life? My mind keeps racing when suddenly Dawson rest his hand on my knee and squeezes it and suddenly the atmosphere changes and a calm energy washes over me.

"That is strange" mom says standing up off the bed. "But either way Mary, Dawson's gunna have to be out of here by 10:30 so keep that in mind" she says looking over at Dawson then back to me

"Of course, thank you for supper aswell Mrs Parker, it was lovely meeting you" Dawson says almost immediately

"Yes, well it was nice meeting you too Dawson. Well Goodnight" mom says before walking to the door. "10:30 Mary" she says again before leaving out to the hall and down to her room.

"She's never been like this before I don't know what's gotten into her lately" I say shaking my head

"She loves you and I'm your first boyfriend, she doesn't want you getting hurt" Dawson says grinning before laying back in the bed

"Boyfriend?" I say looking at him and he grins.

"Seems fitting" he says simply.

"What do you think of all this" I say after a moment, holding the book up before placing it back on my bed side table

"I don't know, it's a weird cosmic coincidence" he says. "Come here" he says motioning me to come lay beside him and I do, placing my head on his chest as he rest his hand on my hair before petting it.

"What should I be wearing tomorrow" I say looking up at him, I can already tell it's going to be formal but just making sure

"it's formal" he says running his hands through my hair on the side on my face as I rest my head on my hand looking down at him.

"Fuck your beautiful" he says after a moment. I almost forgot I was wearing makeup.

"You like?" I say grinning

"I always like" he says softly.

"Has your parents said anything about me?" I ask as I watch his eyes move as he's examining my face.

"My father was impressed with your power, as was my mom" he says "my mom says you shouldn't be in A wing, at least B" he smiles

A moment later I lean forward and kiss him and as I do he reaches his hand up and runs his thumb along my jaw, cupping my face.

"You can't be doing shit like that, not here" he whispers and I grin

"What, I can't kiss you?" I say

"No, not like that, you know where that leads" he says and I shake my head. He's ridiculous.

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