33. our people

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   "Forgot to mention that little detail didn't you?" I say softly turning back and facing his dad as he continues with some strange Costa Rican adventure story

  "That guy across the room by the window, wearing the red snowman tie, he can see in x-ray vision. Can see cancer in a person before an actual X-ray could" he says quietly

  "And that girl standing by the stairs, she is my cousin Sophia, she could tell you anything in the world and you would believe it. It wouldn't be until after she left that you would realize she convinced you that you're a 54 year old potato farmer named bill" he says and I can't help but grin

  "These are our people Mary, your more than welcome around these people" He says before kissing my shoulder and I start to feel a lot better.

  "Can you get me pop?" I hear someone say from beside me and when I look over Charlie is standing beside me pulling on my skirt.

  "Can she have pop?" I ask Dawson and he nods. "It's alright I'll go" he says

  "No it's okay, I'll be back" I say standing up and taking her hand as she pulls me through the crowd towards the stairs before going down to the first floor.

  I follow as she walks over to a door across the room, It's the garage. I follow her past the 2 cars and Dawson's Hummer before Charlie stops in front of a fridge that has pop in boxes along the top that she clearly can't reach.

  "What kind?" I ask

  "Rootbeer" she smiles and I reach up and grab her one

  "Can I tell you a secret" she says

  "Sure" I say opening it and handing it to her

  "I can teleport" she smiles sipping her pop

  "What?" I ask confused. I've never heard of anyone being able to do that but if anyone could it would be her

  "Watch" she says handing me back her pop before walking towards Dawson's Hummer before disappearing and appearing inside his vehicle. Holy shit.  She's the most gifted person I've ever seen, she can walk through walls, morph into people and now teleport?! Suddenly she appears in front of me making me step back in shock.

  She reaches up and grabs her pop from my hand before walking back towards the garage door back to the party. Holy shit. What is this family. Dawson can manipulate the atmosphere, read minds, and transfer memories over to anyone let alone his speed and strength. Verses me and my measly not dying power, if you can really call it a 'power'.

  I follow Charlie back up to the party before joining Dawson back in the living room just as before.

  We sat and listened to people's random story's before His dad got into a friendly argument about Football teams with some man that has to be his close friend I'm assuming.

  A few hours has passed and Ive had a couple glasses of wine to drink when Dawson finds me in the kitchen pouring another. He suddenly grabs my glass and sets it down on the counter before taking my hand without a word and slipping me through the crowd and down the stairs to the first floor when I see Natalie and some guy I don't recognize standing beside the garage door?

  "Hey stranger" Natalie says to me as Dawson let's go of my hand and opens the garage door before leading us all inside. What is happening?

  "Hey, What is this?" I ask while walking with Natalie following behind Dawson and this guy I don't know towards Dawson's Hummer.

  "We're gunna smoke weed loser" she says nudging me

  Dawson presses a button on his Keys and the car unlocks when suddenly Natalie grabs my hand and pulls me along with her to the back seat while the guys sit upfront.

  We all shut our doors and Dawson and this guy start talking about something that happened back upstairs that I wasn't there for. Suddenly Dawson hits a button on his visor and the garage door opens and Dawson backs out into the darkness before driving down the road a bit before parking along the cars in the tree line before cracking the windows, Probably so the smell doesn't linger in the garage.

"Oh, Mary this is my cousin Jack, Jack this is Mary my girlfriend" he says and my gut twists. Natalie is RIGHT here, that and I've never heard him call me that.

  "Hey" jack says turning to me before holding out his hand for me to take and I do. Dawson then lifts up the Consol and starts shuffling through it.

  "For fuck sakes, I took it inside hold on" Dawson says before opening his door.

  "I'll come with you" Jack says getting out too as they both run back up to the house leaving me and Natalie in the car alone.

  "Girlfriend hey?" Natalie says smiling

  "Well I don't know-" I start to say really wishing he didn't say that.

  "Oh god you suck at lying, it's obvious you know about Dawson and my situation" she cuts in before resting back against the seat. Oh god here it goes.

  "I'm sorry I don't know why he said that" I say immediately apologizing

  "No no no you definitely do not have to do that, as far as I'm concerned y'all are perfect together. One thing I'm almost certain Dawson didn't mention knowing him and his whole not telling other peoples secrets thing, although it would've made this whole thing a lot easier on you, but I'm like very gay" she says smiling. What.

  "You're gay?" I ask confused

  "Yah like not out or anything obviously with parents like mine forcing me into this ridiculous marriage that will definitely not be happening if I have anything to do about it but yah, like 100% gay but as far as our parents are concerned, we are getting married" she says and this weight I didn't know I was carrying immediately lifts and I feel so much better. Would her parents really try to still force her into the marriage even if she was gay?

  "Oh my god thank god, I was so scared you where about to come for me" I say resting my head against the back of the drivers seat while looking back at her.

  "No, definitely not" she laughs and suddenly I hear footsteps and when I look back Dawson and Jack are coming up around the vehicle before hoping in.

  I'm about to get high for the second tome ever in-front of a complete stranger and Natalie. Oh god.

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