23. the family

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The rest of the night I spent telling Olivia as much about Dawson as I could without breaking the rules before we watched a movie and went to bed. In the morning Olivia stayed for breakfast before heading to school seems it is a Monday.

"I'm going to go out" I say coming down the stairs dressed in black jeans and a t shirt before grabbing my coat and the keys to my car my parents got me for my 16th birthday. Who knows how long that old thing has been parked in the driveway with no use while I've been gone, I'll be surprised if it starts.

"Where are you going?" Mom asks coming out of the kitchen

"I have to go see a friend from school" I say before opening the door

"Well text me and update me if anything changes" she yells to me before I shut the door behind myself as I head for the car.

I get in and it's freezing, absolutely freezing. I turn the car on and shake as I walk around it brushing off all the snow, it must have snowed all night.

Once the car is warm and the windows are clear I pull out of my driveway and begin the rout on google maps.

I have the radio playing the whole way but honestly I haven't listened to it at all, I find myself so caught up on my own thoughts to focus, what do I say to him when I get there? Why am I even going? Will his family be there? Does he have siblings? What if I'm not welcome?

My heart starts to race as I pull off the main road I've been on for almost an hour now and onto Dawson's dirt road that leads into the mountains.

I wonder if he already knows I'm coming? Is he listening to me now? What did he say to Natalie? My mind keeps racing but as soon as I make the final turn and see the large house in the distance my thoughts go blank.

In the drive up there is a vehicle, I don't know who's though. I park a fare distance back before cutting the motor and just looking up at the house. What am I doing here. I unlock the door and step out into the snow before noticing its starting to snow hard again. I hope it stops soon.

  I walk up towards the door before standing at the door finding it impossible to knock, is it too late to turn back?

  "Who are you" I hear someone say from behind me and when I spin around there is a young girl standing a couple of feet away looking up at me.

  "Oh Uhm" I stutter a moment "I'm here to see Dawson"

  "He's out" she says walking past me and opening the door. Where did she come from?

  "You can come in and wait for him though, he won't be long" she says holding the door. Should I?

  "Well come on" she says and I quickly follow her inside.

   She starts walking to the stairs and up to the second floor and I follow behind her, is she Dawson's sister? I didn't know he had a sister.

   "Mom, Dawson's friend is here" she says and a woman turns around in the kitchen and she is beautiful, and I mean holy shit she's beautiful. That's his mom?

   "Hello, who are you?" She says before continuing to cook something

  "I'm Mary, I'm a friend of Dawson's" I say standing there not really sure what to do.

  "I didn't know Dawson had a friend named Mary" she says with a smile. "Come you can sit there, he won't be long he just went into town with my husband to get me some ingredients for dinner" she smiles

  I take the bar stool seat across from her at the island and I look around but the little girl is gone?

  "So are you a friend from Rosemarys?" She asks making conversation

  "Uhm, yes" I say. Can she read minds too? I hope not.

  "Oh, what wing?" She asks the one question I hoped she wouldn't

  "A" I say almost ashamed?

  "Oh what's your power sweetie" she continues as if hearing I'm from A wing doesn't mean anything, it's a little comforting.

  "I can't die, or be killed" I say looking out the large windows at the snow coming down

  "Oh wow, that's impressive, how does that work" she says impressed

  "I guess as far as I know the only thing that will kill me is old age" I say simply. my power isn't that cool, at least not to me.

   "What about you?" I ask honestly extremely curious what kind of powers this family of super humans would have.

  "I can see other people's memories by touch, it's really just the opposite of my sons power" she smiles before cutting up some vegetables. "Other than that it's just small things like night vision and speed"

  "I can turn into you" suddenly the little girl says from beside me almost giving me a heart attack. Holy fuck where did she come from.

  "What?" I ask turning to her and a moment later she breaths In and holds her breath and she literally morphs into me?! I jump back off the stool and she starts to laugh and her body turns back?!

  "What the-" I say confused but she just giggles and runs away before running through a WALL?! Oh my god.

  "She's extremely gifted, just as my son is" Dawson's mom smiles

  "I've never seen anything like that" I say still blown away and she just smiles.

  Suddenly I hear a door downstairs open and close followed by Dawson and I'm assuming his fathers voice. My heart sinks into my stomach and I'm scared to see him, I'm scared he will be mad I'm here, I'm just scared.

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