28. class of 1936

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  When I get home my parents aren't there, thank god im not looking forward to my interrogation, they must be at work.

  I run upstairs to my room and head to the shower before starting the water and undressing. I look in the mirror and my naked body and notice a bunch of small bruise like patches along my neck and chest. For fuck sakes Dawson. He literally broke every rule my mom made him promise not to break. I quickly hop into the shower and get clean before walking back into my room and getting dressed. I decide on a baggy hoodie and sweatpants, thank god it's snowing and I can get away with hoodies and coats to cover my hickies.

  I lay in bed and grab my phone before opening my camera and taking a picture of them on my neck before sending him the picture.

  *you broke every rule* I text and just moments later he sends me a picture of his neck and he has them too. Oh shit. Oops.

  *must be bed bugs* I send back before grabbing my remote off my table and flicking on my tv before turning in Netflix. I'm kind of scared about how many tv shows I have to catch up on.

  My phone buzzes again and when I open the message Dawson texted back.

  *mmhm* I roll my eyes and turn on The End of The Fucking World and try to get a good chunk of the first season done, Emily has told me about this one every time I see her, I think she might be obsessed.

A few hours pass before I hear the door open and close downstairs followed by my mother calling up to me.

"Yah?" I yell back and I start to hear her coming up the stairs.

"Hey" I say as she makes it to my door way and looks in before walking across my room towards me

"Hello" she says looking around my room.

"So when are you going to tell me more about this Dawson boy" she says before sitting down.

"He's just a friend" I say pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

"Do you like him?" She says ignoring me

"Mom" I say rolling my eyes

"Did you sleep in the same bed last night?" She asks watching my reaction.

"No" I say simply. I learned my lesson the first time, it's time to start lying.

"Good" she says before standing from my bed.

"So when Is he going to be coming for dinner so your father and I can meet him?" She says, she really really isn't buying the friends thing? I did not see this coming I never thought my mom was one of those moms with this kind of thing.

"Since when do we have dinners to meet friends?" I say confused

"Alright he can come on Thursday, I'm making spaghetti" she says before walking away towards my door and out into the hall... what Just happened.

After a moment of honest confusion I pick up my phone and begin to text Dawson.

"So you are invited to supper at my house on Thursday I guess, my mom wants to meet you?" I send and wait for a reply

Suddenly my phone starts to ring and I answer the call from Dawson.

"Hey" I say while laying back in my bed looking at the ceiling

"Hey" he responded. "My parents actually wanted me to invite you and your family to their dinner thing they are putting on Friday, it's probably just a way to scout out your parents, you definitely do not have to bring them, you can come alone, or not at all I wouldn't blame you"

Oh shit. What is happening with our family's right now.

"I suppose I'll come to yours if you come to mine?" I say not sure what I'm getting myself into

"Well of course I'm coming" he says almost like it's funny

"Alright I have a workout to get back to so" he says

"Alright, guess I'll see you Thursday, goodbye" I say as I accidentally hang up as he's mid way through saying goodbye. Well shit.

After that I went back to watching my show before heading down for supper and telling my mom Dawson will be coming before heading back up for bed.

As I lay in what now feels like an unfamiliar room I get the longing feeling of wishing Dawson was here with me, just his body heat alone I miss let-alone everything else


The next morning I went down stairs and my dad was home, he must have got the day off?

"Hey?" I say walking into the kitchen as he looks up at me from his phone and coffee as he scrolls through his news app as he does every morning

"Do you want to pull down the Christmas tree today?" He asks watching me as I go for the cereal and almond milk

"Uhm, sure" I say as I look out the window at all the snow and honestly what better day to do it, I never thought I would get to this year but I'm happy I do.

After breakfast I followed my dad out to the garage to grab the ladder before setting it up and going up into the attic moving things around in order to pull the tree out smoothly. I shine my phone flash light around while holding my sleeve over my mouth so I don't breath in a bunch of dust and start sneezing up a storm.

"It's over here" dad says walking over to a large red duffel bag before moving a box with books to the side before sliding the tree over to the hole back down out of the attic.

"What is this?" I ask looking down at the random box of books

"I'm not sure, it's all with your grandmothers stuff" he says before asking me to come over and help him lift the tree down.

After the tree is down my curiosity forces me to go back up into the attic to grab that box and bring it down.

We pull the tree into the living room before dad closes the attic and we unzip the bag before pulling out the tree and start building it.

I sit down on the floor taking a break as dad continues to fluff the tree when I look over at the box I brought down and read 'Rosemary's' and quickly pull it out before realizing it's 'Rosemary's Class of 1936'

It's a photo of my grandmothers grad class standing in-front of the school? I pull out a book from the box and it's labeled '1936 Diary'

Holy shit.

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