40. GCOP

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   I Laid in Dawson's bed loading up Netflix on his laptop while he sat in the window smoking weed before finally wrapping it up and crawling in beside me. This afternoon has been hectic but Dawson was able to get my mind off the looming cloud over our heads at least for now.

I feel as he wraps his arms tightly around me pulling me close as he sinks into the bed resting his head on my chest as I start GoodTime, it's probably my all time favourite movie and it's about damn time Dawson sees it.

"Who's that" he mumbles watching the screen"

"Just watch" I say shhing him.

"Why is he crying were like 3 minutes in?" He says after a few moments. He could not be any more annoying.

"You are being annoying just watch" I say and he looks up at me and grins when suddenly there is a knock at the door. I look at the time and it's 11:43 pm, who would be at the door?

Dawson slides out of the bed and stands before walking to the door without a shirt on as I close the laptop and slide under the sheets.

"Mr Adams" I hear someone say as he opens the door.

"What?" He says unfazed as always

"Is Mary Parker here?" A female voice askes?

"No" he answers calmly.

"She isn't in her dorm" she continues.

"I'm responsible for D wing, that's not my problem" He says, I can hear the annoyance clear in his voice.

  "Mr Adams, you and Mary Parker are being summoned to the grand council" she says and after a moment I can hear the door shut.

  A few seconds pass before I pull down the sheets and look at him as he crosses the room and sits on the bed while holding 2 envelopes.

  I crawl across the bed and look down at the papers in his lap before reading one that says "Mary Parker" on the front?

  "She knew you where here" he says as I grab the letter from him and quickly open it. He just sits there frozen in though as if he already knows what it says. 

  Mary Parker,

   Due to new information we request your attendance in-front of the Grand Council this Saturday at noon in the GCOP state building. We advise that only one advocate is permitted during this hearing. Failure to attend will result in legal action against you.

  - GCOP

   "What does this mean?" I say looking up to Dawson confused

  "It means Athiena told the council that we where together, clearly you weren't fucking convincing enough" Dawson says standing up clearly on edge now

  "How is this my fault?" I say confused

  "What did you tell her?!" He says getting upset

  "I told her we where friends" I say confused

   "Why did you do that?!" He says running his hand through his hair

  "What do you mean?!" I say standing up now raising my voice, I've done nothing wrong

  "Why would you be so stupid, guys aren't just friends with girls might as well have just told her we're fucking" he says

  "Did you just call me stupid?" I say completely floored right now. He's never been like this towards me, this clearly is striking a nerve with him

  "you're kidding?!" he says shocked

  "Dick" I say grabbing my clothes off the floor and quickly dressing as he watches, clearly beside himself

  "What are you doing" Dawson says uncomfortably watching me

  "Leaving" I say rolling my eyes and heading for the door with my envelope

  "Why are you doing that?" He says catching me at the door and stopping me

  "Because I don't want to be here with you" I say reaching for the door but he stops me again.

  "Nah, you don't just leave are you kidding" he says floored as if me leaving is so unthinkable, of course I'm leaving.

  "Get out of my way" I say holding strong. I'm fucking leaving.

  "No, fuck off" he says with a laugh like I'm out of my mind. "I know this whole relationship thing is new to you but it isn't new to me, you don't just leave the second confrontation arises, your my girlfriend now pal we work shit out we don't just leave or else this is over immediately for me, I don't do that shit" he says honestly upset I was even considering just leaving.

  "I will not put up with you ever calling me any kind of name like you just did" I say crossing my arms. "Ever" I say trying to illustrate how not okay I am with that.

   I watch as he leans back against the door as he starts to calm down, me almost walking out seems to have made him more worried than angry now.

  "I'm sorry" he says simply. "I just need a minute to just.." he says trailing off but I know what he means. He's upset as I am but he can't take it out on me it's not my fault either.

   "Just.." he continues. "Just... dont do that" he says looking down at me concerned and I can feel that he really is sorry.

  "Sorry" I say and he leans off the door and walks to the bed before sitting down and placing his head in his hands.

   I cross the room slowly before sitting down beside him. What are we going to do.

  "We need to leave immediately" he says after a few moments pass. I look up at him confused but he just stands and starts packing a bag so I follow suit before we leave down to my dorm and gather my things as Erin slept in her bed. I don't know why we are leaving but it feels like the right thing to do.

    I followed Dawson without question as we wondered through the school then left out the front doors into the cold air as we crossed the field towards his hidden car. I don't know where we are going but I know we have to prepare for Saturday seems it's 2 days away. I can only guess we are going back to Dawson's parents place to get his fathers help, great.

   Im still not sure if he only approved of me because he wants my powers to breed, my worst fear is that Dawson was the same, even if it was just in the beginning

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