14. not everything is about you

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    The remainder of the weekend I spent with my parents and extended family at home, over eating on thanksgiving and playing board games with my aunts and uncles.

   It's now Tuesday morning and instead of going back last night I was dumb and decided waking up at 6 am and driving for an hour would be a better idea. Stupid.

   I slowly trudge back down the stairs with my suitcases and meet my dad who is waiting at the door.

  "Ready?" He asks as I drop my bags in front of him.

  "Yes" I say reaching for my coat off the hook and put it on.

  We take my things out to the car and begin the drive back into the mountains to the school.

   The further we drove into the mountains the colder it became and eventually I could start to see snow on the ground. Perfect. I hate the cold.

  We pull up outside of Rosemary's fence and I see the long drive way I'm going to have to carry my bags up in the cold and I want to die.

  I get out of the car and grab my bags, then say goodbye to my dad before making my way up to the school.

  When I finally do make it through the doors I'm pleased to know I wasn't the only one arriving early this morning, the whole main entrance has people who've just arrived standing around.

  I push through the crowd and just as I'm about to make my way up the stairs someone stops me.

  "Hey stranger" Darren says standing in front of me. He offers to carry my bags then immediately reaches down and grabs my bags from my hands.

  "Hello?" I ask confused.

  "Cmon" he says then starts making his way up the stairs, signalling for my to follow him.

  "This is really nice of you but you really don't have to do-" I start but he cuts me off.

  "Nonsense, Cmon" he says as we make our way back to my dorm while having the simple small talk people have after a holiday.

   When we arrive he places the bags on the floor then leans up against the door real smug like.

  "You should come on a date with me" he says grinning while looking down at me.

  "What?" I say grabbing my bags from the door and nudging him out of the way in order to open it.

  "A date, Me n you, tonight" he says looking down at me not budging from the door, making it impossible to open.

  "Why?" I ask stopping and looking up at him.

  "Because I like you" he says grinning

"Alright, fine, ok" I say and he Immediately stops laying against the door and I'm able to open it.

  "See you tonight at 7 in the main foyer" he says then walks away.

  What in God's name did I just agree to.

  I enter the room and Erin is laying on her bed looking up from her book at me.

  "Hey" I say as I walk in.

  "Dawson was around here looking for you last night" she says before going back to her book.

  "Oh" I say while starting to unpack.

  "Are you guys a thing" she asks after a moment of silence.

  "No, definitely not. I'm going on a date with Darren tonight" I say and she puts her book down.

  "Why do all the hottest boys here all want you?" She says looking over at me in disbelief.

  "You tell me, I'm still trying to figure it out" I say sitting on the edge of the bed.

  We ended up exchanging stories about our long weekends then got ready for classes to start before parting ways for first period.

  I made my way to English and sat down near the front, as far away from Oliver as I could get.

  The day passed by smoothly, nothing too hard in any of the classes. For lunch I sat with Erin and we had sandwiches with soup as we talked about how we found out about our powers. Her parents had powers so she found out pretty easy.

  On my way back to the education building I could feel someone walking closely behind me and I already knew it was Dawson without looking. I always get this certain feeling when he's around me, I could recognize it anywhere.

  I walked all the way to magic history and sat down without looking at Dawson before he sat down directly beside me.

  "Your going on a date with Darren?" He asks looking directly at me when I looked up at him.

  "Maybe" I say looking back down at my notes.

  "You don't even like him" he asks confused.

  "And how would you know that?" I say  getting ready and grabbing my books out of my bag for class.

  "Because I know you have a thing for me" he says without even lowering his voice. Two girls a couple of chairs down turn around and shoot a look up at us. Great.

  "I was drunk" I say quietly trying to suggest to him that he should keep his voice down.

  "Are you doing this in spite of me"

"Not everything is about you Dawson" I say as the teacher begins the class and Dawson shift back into his seat and  clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth for the remainder of the class. What a baby.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. I could tell Dawson wasn't happy but at least he wasn't telling me about it. He was right though I don't really want to go on this date but I already agreed to it and I need to start meeting more people here.

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