5. no safe space left

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  "Mary Parker" a voice calls from the other side of the door and I immediately look across the room to Erin. I stand from my bed and make my way to the door and open it to Athiena standing there.

  "The school council needs to see you" she says and I nod and follower her down the hall to the stairs then down to the main foyer.

   We then turn down a hallway I've yet to see and into a big room with 2 people sitting behind a long desk and an open seat across from them. I cross the room and take a seat facing them.

  "Mary Parker, you where reportedly missing last night and this morning just the same as Foster Keaton the still missing boy, a single witness has come forward saying they saw you leave the building last night around 10:00 pm and didn't see you return. Please give us your statement" an older man says across from me then pushes his recorder towards me. Why does this feel like I should have a lawyer?

  "I left the building last night looking for Dawson Adams who I thought I saw outside. We talked outside tell the bell went for lights out and I went back to his room and slept there" I say confidently. I'm not going down for Dawson.

  "Why where you missing in class this morning" the lady beside him asks while writing something down.

  "I slept in"

  "But Mr. Adams made it to his classes?" The man asks looking at me like I'm lying.

  "Yes" I say confidently

"Did anyone see you enter or leave Dawson's room" the lady asks while writing something

  "Jasmine something and Kendall I don't know her last name, both in D wing, they saw me leave before the meeting in the Great Hall"

"Did anyone see you and Dawson speaking outside" she asks looking up.

  "I don't think so, I wouldn't know" I say and she just nods.

  "What do you know about Foster Keaton?"

  "Nothing I'm new here" I say but they just write another thing down. I can't tell what they are thinking.

  "We are done here" the man says and nods me towards the door so I stand and Athiena takes me back out to the main foyer and just as we are about to walk up the A wings stairwell a man walks in the foyer with a German shepherd.

  "Who's that" I ask Athiena as we make our way up the stairs.

  "That's the councils detective, he has the ability to feel death in the atmosphere, he's here just in case" she says ushering me down the hallway towards A wing.

  She brings me to my room then leaves when I enter to find Erin sketching on her bed, like always.

  "What did they want" she asks looking up

  "Just questioning me about where I was" I say then suddenly there is a knock at the door. When I open it Dawson is standing on the other side.

  "What are you doing here? The wings are under lock down" I say looking around the hall way to see if anyone is watching.

  "Wing Captains can move around freely, Invite me in" he says getting as close as he can to the entrance

  "No!" Erin says quickly running to the door.

  "Don't even think about it" she says pushing him away.

  "Mary please we can't talk like this with prying eyes and ears" he says looking at me and in that second I don't know why but I agreed with him and invited him in to Erin's astonishment.

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