39. what now

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"Tell me Mary you don't actually believe that" Dawson says almost immediately. I look over at him and I don't know what to believe but I know I trust him. I have to.

"Would your father do that?" I ask just as the bell goes and everyone starts to get up out of their seats

"Mary-" he says but I cut him off

"Would he? Is he?" I say and he thinks before he speaks I can see it

"I don't know" he says simply

"If anyone finds out we are together they will break it apart, especially if Athiena knows and it's already to late because people do know, Erin knows and Natalie and I'm sure Tyler" I say and he just clenches his jaw.

"It doesn't matter" he says

"How does it not matter?" I say looking at him confused. Is he not listening to anything

"Because I'm not doing what our grandparents did, we're not making the same mistake" he says standing up out of his chair before walking over to the stairs.

I follow suit and walk with him down stairs and out into the hall when Dawson suddenly starts walking us down and out of the building back up to the main building. I guess we're skipping last period.

We make it back up to the main doors and walk into the main foyer when I see Athiena and my stomach twists. Oh god not this now. Fuck.

"Mary" she says smiling as she walks over to us. Her smile fades as she sees me and Dawson together though.

"I need to speak with you if I may" she says and I reluctantly agree and follow her down the hall into a spelled off office space.

She walks around the table and sits down before signalling me to take a seat so I do.

"So" she says starting. "Is that new, you and him?" She asks looking me in the eyes.

"We are friends" I say and she nods. What better timing after everything I just found out honestly this might be the first time the universe did me a favour.

"So, I would like you to tell me what happened that day just once more" she says clicking her pen as she holds up a piece of paper.

"Uhm.. we had detention.. and Dawson figured out that Mrs and Mr Harper where involved in what happened and some how Mr Harper was on to us and walked us out to the woods after everyone left and Dawson attacked him and you guys came" I say

"Interesting your leaving out the part where he shot at you?" She says obviously reading something off the paper, probably Dawson's account of the story

"He did shoot at us" I say sitting back in my chair

"And your power deflected it?" She asks looking up at me

"Yes" I say not really wanting to admit to that, best not remind her of my power. I'm surprised she didn't try and have me taken in right from the start.

"So your power has gotten stronger since you have arrived" she says questioning me. I don't know if it is stronger or if I just didn't know I could do that to begin with.

"I'm not sure" I say honestly

"Other people like you can't do that Mary, that's unusual" she says before looking back at the paper. Oh god. So she definitely remembers my power.

"Is that all?" I ask impatiently trying to get out of here

"Is there anything else you would like to talk to me about? I can help you Mary" she says and I nod no.

"Alright, you're free to go" she says and I immediately stand up and walk out to find Dawson out in the hall waiting for me.

We both walk back to his room in silence and I immediately head for his bed as he shuts the door.

"How did that go?" He asks looking down at me

"She asked if we where dating and told me my power is stronger than other people like me, I don't know I hope that doesn't concern her now and they will have me shipped off and locked up or supervised the rest of my life" I say laying back and staring up at the Ceiling.

"What are we gunna do Dawson? They would never allow me to have kids with someone like you, I'm going to be forced to breed this trait out like my grandmother" I say

"You would have kids with me?" He grins

"Dawson I'm serious, what are we going to do? As soon as any news about us gets back to any of them it's over, they will end it like they ended our grandparents relationship and who knows what they did to them" I say

"I'm not going to let that happen" he says sitting down on the bed beside me.

"How did I go from having the most boring power to the most dangerous power in a day" I say as my head still hurts thinking about it

he rests his hand on my knee while rubbing circles into it with his thumb comforting me, obviously not knowing what to say.

"They won't allow it just because they are scared" I say looking down at the floor.

"I know" he says quietly

What are we going to do?

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